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truly yours,


Alex K. Angelopoulos wrote:

>Change the display number.  The default setting is 0.  Add whatever display
>number you set it to 5900 for the actual TCP/IP port number used.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "saint" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, 2002-07-02 13:41
>Subject: (no subject)
>>how do you change what port you are using.  from what i understand you need to
>>go into advanced settings, but i cant seem to find advanced settings.  do i
>>need to edit something in the registry, all that appears to be in my registry
>>are options that i can set through the properites from the icon in the task
>>bar.  thanx for your help in advance
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Ronald  Wiplinger, Technical Director
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