In case someone missed it... I've tried to run separate servers and on separate display
numbers, and it does not happen... at least not on my Win 2k.  Also, no option for a
second password.

Maybe I am an idiot.  Perhaps, if you have the answer that will work for me, you should
describe the steps as if you ARE talking to an idiot, and then it would get through my
thick skull and we'd all be happy.

Thanks in advance for your -assistance-.


----- Original Message -----
From: "William Hooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: Multiple Servers on a Win Machine...

> Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot
> --
> William Hooper

>>It won't allow me to have a second instance on which to set a second display number.

>>> Option one is the way to do this.  The "Viewers" would connect to one
>>> display number (set to disable remote keyboard/mouse) and a shared session.
>>> The "Controller" would connect to the second display number with full
>>> control.  Since this is Windows, both display numbers will be the console.
>>> --
>>> William Hooper

<***** FIRST POST *****>
Here is my goal:
One user in Chicago must control one PC in St Louis.
Five users in New York, L.A., and Seattle must be able to view, but not control the 

In other words, I need to give a demo to five remote users on a PC that I can't access

In order to achieve this, I need to be able to have one of two things:

1) Two VNC Servers running on the same Windows machine: one for the "Controller" and 
for "Viewers"
2) Two passwords for the same VNC Server: one for the "Controller" and one for 

Can anyone point me in the right direction for this?

Thank you... VERY MUCH.

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