I use a program called Hyena it allows you to selectively install to
computers you can install files and service both also it starts and stops
the service remotely. You can use more than winVNC also I use tightVNC to
remote I control two large networks with this tool its worth the money also
its licensed by administrator licenses not workstations :) Allows you to
setup homedirectory mask interact with active directory and run reports on
the systems plus you can VNC to a computer with a simple click of the mouse.
You can evaluate a copy at http://www.systemtools.com/hyena


-----Original Message-----
From: John Ferrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 8:12 AM
Subject: Re: Deploying VNC to Win2k and XP remotely

I used a batch file to push out VNC.

the batch: (I had to make it for both Win98 and Win2K clients so you could
probably stream line it)
@echo off
rem This batch will copy the VNC files from F:\VNC to C:\Program

rem If WinVNC.exe is not there we will assume that the system needs all the
files IF NOT EXIST C:\progra~1\ORL\VNC\WinVNC.EXE goto CopyFiles exit

rem This section copies the VNC files, installs the VNC service and runs rem
VNC the first time :CopyFiles

rem lets make sure they get the reg keys
regedit /s f:\vnc\vnc_cust.reg

cd c:\progra~1
md c:\progra~1\orl
md c:\progra~1\orl\vnc
copy F:\tightVNC\*.* C:\Progra~1\ORL\VNC

rem Install the service
C:\Progra~1\ORL\VNC\WinVNC.exe -install
I use this batch in  Novell login script, but I don't see why it could not
be used in a Windows login script. For the reg keys, I installed VNC with
all the settings I wanted and then exported the keys to a file.


|         |           "Richard Harris"    |
|         |           <richard.harris@nott|
|         |           scc.gov.uk>         |
|         |           Sent by:            |
|         |           vnc-list-admin@realv|
|         |           nc.com              |
|         |                               |
|         |                               |
|         |           09/09/2002 08:44 AM |
|         |           Please respond to   |
|         |           vnc-list            |
  |       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |       cc:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |       Subject:  Deploying VNC to Win2k and XP remotely

> This posses a problem, however, as
> Fastpush does not support eSVNC.

True, but you only need to add a folder to the fastpush folder. Then add in
a section under the flavours section so that you can choose esvnc from the
command line.

I'll update Fastpush and you can pick the bits out you need. Ok?


Richard Harris
Environment IT, NCC
Ext 4509

"Service, price , quality: pick any two."
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