Since this appears to be a font problem, please can you let me know which fonts VNC needs access to on Solaris, and I'll try only specifying them.



I am running VNC4.0 on Solaris 8 (2/04), via inetd. My inetd.conf line is thus:
vnc-1152x864x24 stream tcp nowait root /space/tools/bin/Xvnc Xvnc -inetd -query localhost -once -geometry 1152x864 -depth 24 -SecurityTypes=None -desktop="baltar-Sol8" -fp tcp/baltar:7100

I can start a session via vncviewer, and get the CDE login prompt. I can enter a username & password, but then the VNCviewer window simply disappears. vncviewer informs me "end of stream" and nothing else. I've looked at /var/dt/Xerrors:
/usr/openwin/bin/xset: bad font path element (#38), possible causes are:
Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
Directory missing fonts.dir
Incorrect font server address or syntax
Warning: Null child found in argumnet list to unmanage
dtlogin: recieved signal 11

This indicates CDE, which services your login is quitting, its not vnc to blame for this, Xvnc just quits because it is instructed to do so by dtlogin.
I don't think the fontpath is the problem, better look at the warning.

This all starts with a fontpatherror. IF it is just one of the fontsdirectories
in your fontpath, it should not be a problem. However, if this leaves no fonts
left (all fontdirectories are wrong) then I can imagine there are problems.

Since your Xvnc call does not specify any fontpath, the windowmanager has to
come with one. If they don't, there are no fonts and the windowmanager might
have a problem here...

Try specifying a fontpath in the Xvnc-call, try the one you use on the console.

Sorry, my previous reply lacked information that occurred to me after I hit send. What I have tried so far is:
I've set a fontpath using:
-fp tcp/baltar:7100 - I believe there is a font server running on port 7100 - it's listed in /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf
-fp <path got from xset -q, with either : or , seperators>

I've checked the dirs listed by xset and I believe all of them to have suitable permissions (ie 755 at minimum) and to contain a fonts.dir file.


Alasdair Ferro                       SpiraTech Ltd,
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