In his post of 22 February 2005 (attached below) Jones 
outlined a farsighted procedure for harnessing the 
Beta-atmosphere/ZPE using "extremely energetic mechanical 
failure, which can be due to brittle failure, or to phase-
shift (allotrope) failure."

Jones points out the large energy available by using Ice 9.

Recently studying Professor Chaplin's phase diagrams on
I have realised that there is a relatively simple way to 
harness the huge strain energy inherent in liquid water 
which is partially released when water turns to normal 
hexagonal  ice, Ice Ih.

With reference to the lower of the two phase diagram at the 
above URL, consider the box bounded by 0 and 200 MPa 
(30,000 psi) and -20 and 0 degrees C. 

Interestingly enough, 30,000 psi, the maximum pressure at 
which water remains a liquid,  is also "at the high-end 
injection pressure for a HEUI diesel (30,000 psi)" (see Beene's post 
below) so the necessary equipment is available for injection 
of supercooled water into a cylinder.

If the pressure on the supercooled high pressure water is 
released fast enough one could expect the equivalent of 
brittle failure since the Beta-atmosphere pressure
responsible for the tensile strain energy component of  
ice Ih will not have time to organise the water fragments.

If you think about it, the essential difference between 
isothermal volume change and adiabatic volume change is 
the value of dv/dt. If a volume is expanded very rapidly 
then there is no time for heat to enter or leave the space, 
no time for equilibrium to be reached with the external 
environment. At the other extreme, if a volume is expanded 
very slowly then, irrespective of any insulation, temperature 
equilibrium will be reached with the external environment. 

There is a rather amusing passage I came across whilst 
researching the Carnot cycle that illustrates the importance 
of the rate of heat transfer to cylinders.

    The conceptual value of the Carnot cycle is that 
    it establishes the maximum possible efficiency 
    for an engine cycle operating between TH and TC. 
    It is not a practical engine cycle because the 
    heat transfer into the engine in the isothermal 
    process is too slow to be of practical value. 
    As Schroeder puts it "So don't bother installing 
    a Carnot engine in your car; while it would 
    increase your gas mileage, you would be passed 
    on the highway by pedestrians."     8-)

Now, evidently, there is a wide range of regimes that one 
might adopt for the amount of pressure drop to be used in 
exploding the supercooled high pressure water and the 
amount to be used for driving pistons or turbine.

The optimum conditions can only be established by 
experimentation, or less likely in the short term, by an 
adequate theoretical analysis. The trouble is, existing 
theory is nowhere near being able to achieve the later 
aim because the existing concepts of temperature, energy, 
spectrum of hierarchical aether pressure, just ain't up 
to it (IMNSHO).  ;-) 

This is why, for instance, the three equations of state for 
water vapour remained undiscovered for so long. The concept 
of temperature was so wedded to the Kelvin straightjacket 
that the recognition one was really dealing with inverse 
environmental pressures simply didn't arise. As for the 
idea that there was nothing absolute about "absolute zero 
temperature", anyone suggesting such a thing would 
doubtless be branded anathema.

That various terms that have been used to express the energy 
available in the aether Beta-atmosphere- Casimir - Zero-Point_
Energy, is really a case of Big Enders and Little Enders, to 
use a Lilliputian analogy. I have approached aether pressure 
from the big end specifically tests on concrete - and you can't 
get much bigger eggs than 12 inch cylinders, whereas ZPE 
approaches the egg from the little end. The advantage of the 
big end is you can get the spoon in and see what you are doing. 
It may also involve one dimensional scalar waves rather than 
two dimensional transverse waves.

I imagine the waste product of a water engine would be ice 
crystals though whether this would lead to attenuation of 
global warming or not is difficult to say.  8-)

I believe that if anyone takes up this experimental challenge 
seriously then progress will be much faster than mining the 
aether on a finer scale, such as cold fusion. The only trouble 
is, once someone demonstrates a working model, oil shares
are likely to take such a hammering that a horrendous stock 
market instability might result.

Frank Grimer

Re: ZPE-Pumped Cryogenic Mass Increase & Explosive Antimony

From: Jones Beene (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 11:18:03 


Once again we see evidence of extremely energetic mechanical
failure, which can be due to brittle failure, or to
phase-shift (allotrope) failure. This is totally
off-the-books of normal energy accounting because the energy
derives from ZPE.

"By itself, when subjected to a sharp blow, an electric
spark,  or when
heated to 110 - 120 deg C with a evolution of 19,600
calories per gram". That's about 6 times the energy of
burning H2 plus O2 to a gram of water.  :-)" Note that both
Antimony an Bismuth expand on solidifying."

Yes. The similarity of exploding Sb with exploding ice is

Using ice-9 instead of normal ice should far exceed this
figure, IF it can be kept in a micro-particulate form and
injected with perfect timing into a cylinder at the instant
of ignition of a lean gasoline (or other fossil fuel or
**especially** an H2 explosion).

If even 5% by volume of ice-9 can be encapsulated in LN
(while bypassing the ice-2 formation stage); which then is
injected into a diesel at the high-end injection pressure
for a HEUI diesel (30,000 psi) can theoretically raise the Carnot efficiency of the
fuel (excluding the cryo-component) to about 300% effective
Carnot, or fully 15 times above normal. In effect, this
should give one about 400 mpg equivalent mileage for a 200
HP engine. But with that kind of efficiency - forget the
gasoline and go with on-board H2 !! and be totally

Forget fuel cells. Forget hydrinos. Forget LENR. Lets
develop the hydrogen-fueled cryo-diesel... With this kind of
efficiency you can actually make your required  H2 fuel
additive on-board, on-the-fly. Consequently on fill-up (at
home), one would take on only LN or CA (cryo-air) and water
only. Both the ice-9 and the H2 initiator would be
manufactured on-the-fly in the automobile.

About 30% of you net horsepower would go to making the
necessary H2 via electrolysys, but the real power of the
engine would derive from the exploding ice-9 and the capture
 of the 800:1 expansion ratio of the cryo-component.

IOW with 200 HP available, you would devote 65 HP to on board
electrolysis and 135 HP to powering the vehicle. Air
conditioning is a bonus. You can go full-blast AC with the
top-down, if you so desire, or even drive the Hummer to the
Sierra Club meeting with full impunity. Your only emission
is cold air and water vapor.

Now...did I get that right, Irving and Paul ?

... or is it still too soon for this announcement, and will
you have to alert an agent, in order to send in the
trickster once again?

Not to worry, hardly anyone with the necessary resources
listens to vortex anyway....  all sound and fury, signifying


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