Hi Frank,

You should be aware that back in the mid 90's, _many_ people
were encouraged by Greg to build and test these devices. I
was not one of them, preferring my own insanity to others,
but some are still on Vo. These devices started with Emil
Hartman as far as I can tell, and they do work as described.
JLN has a good collection of others work on his site,
check there. It's seductive for just that fact, that it
does look like you can just tie the tail to the head
and have a nice oroborus.

That said, no one to my knowledge was ever able to close
the loop and return the ball to the starting position.
Many ramps were put together in a loop, a looped track
was used, and as I last suggested to Greg before he
was given the boot, simply allowing the ball to run
under the ramp. None of these things should work, by
the C of E ( Church Of England???? No, Conservation
of Energy, damnit! ) But they should be tried all the
same. Not because I doubt in the C of E, but because
few systems are really closed to the environment.

The funny thing is, it looks like the only person _not_
to have built a smot was Greg himself. That makes me
chuckle, it really does.


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