On Thursday 21 July 2005 18:29, Edmund Storms wrote:
> The National Geographic in the August issue has a good article on the
> energy problem. They even mention cold fusion - "A few scientists have
> claimed that cold fusion, which promises energy from a simple jar
> instead of a high-tech crucible, might work. The verdict so far: No such
> luck."  The article goes on to point out the most serious problems with
> hot fusion.  Not bad, we are now at the "verdict so far" stage.
> However, something better work soon because the situation is getting
> serious.
> Ed

It will work when the overpaid and overfed oil billionaires run out of 
somebody elses oil to sell to gullible sheep of the likes 'o us.  Witness the 
last decade or so of fruitless wrangling over where the ITER will be built, 
and the previous ludditism in the USA in Texas that guaranteed that the 
superconducting supercollider will not be built be Americans or free worlders 
for that matter.  Most likely it will be built by the Russians or the French 
if we are lucky, and by the Chinese if we are not.  That is OK, it was maoist 
agitation that generated the initial opposition to it in the USA, so it is 
only fitting that the victor in that struggle get the spoils.....but I hate 
to be on the losing end in a fight that was decided by spineless politicos 20 
years ago.  
   As far as sonofusion is concerned, I have a few ideas, but then I'd have to 
copyright the letter and reserve all the rights so that Bill Gates, Dick 
Cheney VP-USA/Prez-HalliburtonOil/CEO of Iraq or some other exec could not 
steal the idea and then prosecute the originator of the idea, me, for 
'thinksquatting' ---thinking of an original idea and not willingly and 
hurriedly giving it away to some megacorporation.  But wait, only the 
copyrights of big corps have any validity anyway, don't they.  Just ask the 
ghost of Billie Holliday!
Standing Bear

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