Mike Carroll wrote..

>I've spent hours in the presence of both Dr. Hal Puthoff and Dr. Randell
Mills, but that doesn't prove anything in particular. IMO trying to force
ZPE, Casmir, BLP and LENR into the same box by saying any of these is
"really" another is quite futile in the present state of our knowledge. All
that can reasonably be said is that physics is in  a crisis similar to that
in the late 1800's when the accepted paradigms were showing their
limitations and new phenomena and candidates were emerging. While the Casmir
effect is well accepted as manifested in a particular family of experiments,
its "explanation" is somewhat mundane. The BLP and LENR effects shake the
foundations of current physics and will require a long process of fitting
the pieces of what is well known into a new picture. This could take


Interesting observations.   Sono refers to sound. Some time back  I was corrected by a physicist by my stating that sound started the process. He was emphatic in his specific argument that sound does not travel in a vacuum. My response was that light travels in a vacuum and light is a mere manifestation of sound..not the reverse. Sonochemistry, sonofusion and sonoluminescence have one thing in common .. sound. Sound can produce light but sound does not eminate from light by nature.

 Another clue to the mystery of CF. We may be looking directly at the projection screen instead of strolling behind the curtain  to watch what levers the magician is pulling.


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