At 11:17 am 27/07/2005 +0200, you wrote:
>I wonder if ZPE can be involved in the distribution of thermal motion
>of low density plasmas. These distributions are found to be of
>Maxwellian type even when collisions are too few to maintain the
>distribution. This is called the Langmuir paradox.
>I wonder if ZPE, or any other radiation, can be the cause for
>upholding Maxwell distribution in lack of collisions. (There aren't
>many other forces involved, except quantum phenomena, than
>I know this could take months to investigate but I am just interested
>in a hint to a solution.

Mmm....Interesting  8-)

Sounds to me as though the distributions are 
being maintained by ZPE Brownian type motion.
If so, it rather argues in favour of a 
particulate nature for the Beta-atmosphere.

Which means that there are collisions which
we fail to recognise since we don't believe
in the existence of neutral mass particles
like the materon.

Perhaps people will come the same conclusion
as many of Brown's contemporaries and believe
that particles of a low density plasma are
alive, eh!   8^)


Frank Grimer

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