At 05:22 pm 21/08/2005 -0500, Richard wrote:

> Grimer wrote..

>> Do you remember the water based vacuum pumps one used 
>> in chemistry class - the ones where a constrained jet 
>> of water passes though and sucks air out of the connected 
>> vacuum apparatus.

> Obviously  Frank has been examining his wife's perfume atomizer <grin>. 

Thanks for that example, Richard. That is a much better 
device than the one I suggested since it is the essence 
of simplicity from what I remember of my mother's scent 
spray. In the case of the old fashioned ones the two 
tubes are naked and their mutual geometry is obvious.

I had looked up the well known Pitot tube as an 
alternative example but found the explanations 
confusing and contradictory in the sense that they 
seemed to adopt different datum pressures. The scent 
spray is excellent by comparison.

What I find very interesting is that when I first 
encountered the cavity magnetron many years ago its 
working was a complete mystery to me and I could not 
see the significance of the cavities at all. Once one 
looks at it in terms of the Beta-atmosphere being a 
real atmosphere, just like the Alpha-atmosphere then 
it's like throwing the switch on a bright lamp. 
Things become very clear. 

As regards the Beta-atmosphere pressure drop, I 
rather jumped the gun there cos the cavities are in 
resonance which means that the dominant aspect is 
the oscillating pressure. This takes place so fast 
that the inertia of the magnetron walls will prevent 
significant deformations.

If one could rectify the sine wave so as to get an 
RMS pressure drop then it would be a very different 
ball game. I suspect this is at the root of the 
Hutchison Effect. Unwittingly he has stumbled upon 
a way of doing this. A case of an uninhibited amateur 
rushing in where angels fear to tread. 

Once one realises that one is dealing with a real 
atmosphere then all sorts of interesting possibilities 
arise - like creating closed vortices - 
Beta-atmosphere smoke rings in other words.

There is a wonderful Royal Institution demonstration 
of a smoke ring blowing generated at one end of the 
lecturers bench blowing out a candle at the other. 
The smoke ring box is first filled with smoke so that 
the ring is visible as it travels slowly the dozen or 
so feet towards the candle. Then the demonstration is 
repeated without smoke and the lectures starts a 
countdown. When he reaches zero the candle is blown 
out as though by magic.

Before WWII there was a lot of interest in the 
possibility of a death ray knocking down enemy aircraft. 
The idea was researched and considered a non starter. 
But the investigation did give rise to something only 
a little less valuable, viz. radio location and radar.

Had the authorities recognised the possibility of firing 
Beta-atmosphere closed vortices the "death ray" might 
have come to fruition.

Who was it who made a great hoo-ha about something like 
this? I think it was Shoulders with his EVOs. I'll have 
to google it.


Frank Grimer

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