Well, Vorts, I have been revisiting the Hutchinson
Effect and have been very chuffed over what I have

The phenomena described below - the "lift" - the
"lateral" propulsion - " twisting spiral movement"
the "looping arc" are all exactly the motions one
might expect from objects hit by a Beta-atmosphere
vortex ring.

And the fact that they are so obviously consistent
is evidence the phenomena are real. 

If Hutchison had be faking the results he would 
not have been so stupid as to fake such a weird 
collection since he obviously hasn't got a clue
as to the cause. 

In fact, if I had wanted to fake experimental 
results to demonstrate the generation of Beta-
atmosphere Vortex ring, I couldn't have done 
better than organise the results Hutchison 
actually obtained.


   The original way that Hutchison set out his range 
   of apparatus was, by industrial standards, 
   primitive and crowded, with poor connections and 
   hand-wound coils. But it was with this layout 
   with its erratic standards that he obtained most 
   of the best examples of objects levitating, 
   despite the fact that the maximum power drawn 
   was 1.5 kilowatts, and this from the ordinary 
   power sockets of the house mains. 

   The Hutchison device produces effects which can 
   basically be divided into two categories, 
   propulsive and energetic. It can induce lift in 
   objects made of any material and also propel them 
   laterally. It has been noted that there are four 
   types of trajectory that affect objects weighing 
   a few pounds, and all of these upward movements 
   begin with a twisting spiral movement. 

   Also, there has to be a particular geometry in 
   relation to the direction of gravity, 
   i.e., downwards of these objects, for them to be 
   affected in this way. Some objects will not take 
   off if you turn them on their sides, but will if 
   you stand them on their ends. It is evident, 
   therefore, that the relationship of their 
   physical forms to the fields which swirl 
   invisibly around them is important. 

   Returning to the four modes of trajectory, first, 
   there is the looping arc, where objects take off 
   relatively slowly over a period of seconds, loop 
   in the air and fall back to earth; then there is 
   the ballistic take-off where objects shoot 
   upwards suddenly, hit the ceiling and fall back 
   down. A third type of trajectory is a powered one 
   where there appears to be a continuous lifting 
   force; and the fourth is where an object moves 
   upwards and just hovers for some time. As 
   mentioned, these objects can be of any material 
   whatsoever, wood, plastics, copper, zinc, 
   Styrofoam, etc. 

Funnily enough, when I first read accounts of 
Hutchison's work some years ago I could see that
the material phenomena were consistent with 
disturbances in Beta-atmosphere pressure but the
weird dynamic effects seemed more like the 
operations of poltergeists than the results of
kosher scientific experimentation.

And no doubt that is why it attracted the interest of
poltergeist hunters as you can see from the following

   Liar Liar, Pants on Fire
   Brian Allan 2001 


   This article began as an investigation into a 
   possible mechanism behind poltergeist activity 
   and related phenomena, but as the investigation 
   proceeded, it became inexorably enmeshed within 
   a completely unexpected area, namely the covert 
   world of military intelligence, 'black' projects 
   and superscience. While there may indeed be a 
   separate, discarnate, spiritual explanation for 
   the creation of anomalous sounds and the 
   spontaneous, random movement of objects, there 
   are other equally bizarre and worrying causes.

Since the military authorities seemed to be involved
one might have thought they would have got to the 
bottom of things. Evidently not. They must have 
assumed that it was trickery or something and they
would have plenty of Dr.Porks to assure them that
such things were "completely impossible" and that they
must be weak minded to be taken in by such conjuring
tricks. Cold Fusion is a doddle by comparison.

Mind you I haven't got a very high opinion of people
involved with military research. I always remember 
the time I went down to the Military Experimental 
Establishment at Christchurch to observer the final
experiments in a large soil-stabilization trial.
I asked the officer in charge if I could have copy
of the previous experiments. He replied, 
"I haven't got time to write up the results. Don't
you realise there are 5 sergeants and 100 men who
I've got to keep occupied."

Still to be fair, as pointed out later in the above

   "It must be mentioned that 99 per cent of the 
   time the objects do nothing at all, and one 
   can wait for days before anything happens, 
   but it is just this erratic unpredictability 
   that one finds when investigating poltergeist 

I'm surprised someone didn't suggest they whistled
up an exorcist. Mind you, the coincidence of 
discovering this ring vortex phenomena on a Vortex 
discussion group is rather spooky.  <grin> 

Well, where does one go from here? It would be nice 
to think that some Vorts would take up the baton in
view of the fact that EM seems to be the main area
of expertise around. On the other hand the cognitive
dissonance to all that a hard won education and
lifetime's experience is probably too much. Still, 
to give the Vortexian community its due, it has 
always been very tolerant of my "concrete head" 

I suppose I'll have to start with someone who actually
witnessed the Hutchison phenomena and has always had
it nagging at them. I've e-mailed George Hathaway
earlier. As far as I can make out he seems a fairly
sensible engineer and, presumably, he believes the
Hutchison Effect is real since he is proposing to 
write Hutch's biography.

I would welcome any other constructive suggestions
that Vorts might come up with.


Frank Grimer

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