Grimer wrote..

I would welcome any other constructive suggestions
that Vorts might come up with.

No you don't Frank, you don't get off that easy after teasing my brain.

Now consider a simple toy gyroscope, the type housed within a ring cage that has a small ball base which permits the thing to " gyrate". Given sufficent " windups", on occasion the gyro plays sneaky tricks on you by " contorting" into directions it is NOT supposed wander.
To leave you with a thought..
The seeming occasional or the random.... may not be so random after all....Also, as the gyro rotational speed decays, the thing seems to " totter" with fatigue and suddenly " recharge" itself momentarily... a silver dollar spun on a flat surface will exhibit the same characteristics of fatigue and recharge..In fact , the dollar appears to " gain" energy by increasing its rotation at near collapse mode....hmm Richard

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