> From: John.Rudiger

> Hi all,
> Regarding retrofitting engines, I was sent this shortcut
> http://www.fuellesspower.com/ <http://www.fuellesspower.com/> 
> by a colleague.
> Have any Vorts ever heard of these "fuelless" engines? 
> I had a bit of a look at the web site but I dont know
> enough about this technology to judge if they are trying
> to pull the wool over our eyes.
> Can anyone give me some feedback on this please?
> Regards,
> John Rudiger 
> Perth   WA 

Ah, I see the photo link shows the "device" sitting next to a pyramid. Pyramids 
always add an air of respectability to whatever is being sold.

Sprinkle in a few intriguing comments to add an air of suspense, like:

"We are selling information that has been suppressed for many years and is 
still being suppressed to this day! There are many people who do not want free 
energy devices to be manufactured or sold on the open market."

...and you have a product guaranteed to draw interest among the crowds 
desperately looking for a way out of our current energy crisis.

IMHO, if you have $40 - $70 that you're willing to fritter away this might be 
an interesting project worth undertaking - and I mean that most seriously.

One caveat, since they only selling plans (and a video) it does seem to me that 
it would be easy for them to claim that you simply did not follow the 
instructions properly and that they can't be held responsible for the 
incompetence of others when you later demand your money back.

I do see an alternative rationale for spending 70 bucks on the product plans. 
Document as carefully as possible the construction and testing of the device so 
that when it doesn't perform as advertised you can advertise this fact on-line 
widely as possible to the public.

But hey! If on the remote chance that it DOES work, it's a win-win situation 
for you! Spending $70 on a real educational experience is a damn cheap 

Well, that's my personal take.

Don't hesitate to ask for the opinions of others as well.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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