Frederick Sparber wrote:

I disagree with you Jed. The Earth to Orbit energy runs about 120,000
BTU/kilogram easily done with using air-breathing, Piloted-Recoverable ScramJets and Robot-Auto-Pilot to low earth orbit.

Actually, as Arthur C. Clarke pointed out long ago, with a very good battery or a hydrogen generator, you could recover the energy it takes to go up on your way back down, with regenerative braking. The only energy cost would be for friction. But actually, the dollar cost for fuel is only a tiny part of the cost of reaching space with rocket technology. With cold fusion the fuel would cost virtually nothing but there would still be two big problems:

1. Danger. After 60 years and billions of dollars of development, unmanned rockets still explode so frequently that insurance rates are sky high. Even a cold fusion powered vehicle would require extreme performance, high temperatures and pressures and so on.

2. The enormous expense of manufacturing the vehicles. I do not think that reusable spacecraft will become practical any time soon because of the stresses they undergo during spaceflight. A vehicle climbing the space elevator would undergo little stress.

When does Turner Classic Movies show the Japanese film:


When that happens you will know we have won the fight for truth, justice and the American way.

- Jed

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