OrionWorks wrote:

Recent exchanges between Mr. Rothwell and Mr. Wesley concerning the topic of "Absolute Truth" brings to mind a terrible trap I believe we all must be careful not to fall into: Subscribing to the Knowledge of the Gods.

Good point. I do not think people are capable of knowing absolute truth, and I am not even sure there is such a thing. There is always some margin of doubt, although it is small for things like Newton's laws.

Mr. Wesley reminds us that we have recently lived in an age where "Atheism used guns to attempt to enforce its will." (Germany, WWII and Nazism, of course, comes to mind.)

Actually most Germans in WWII were quite religious, and the soldiers all wore belt buckles engraved with the motto, "God is with us." (See the movie "Stalingrad.") Some of the German leaders were atheists, but so was Winston Churchill for that matter. At least, he said of himself privately, "I am not a religious man." Overall, the war produced a sharp decline in religious belief and church attendance throughout Europe and Japan.

- Jed

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