> From: leaking pen
> "Christians like me don't mind the harmless atheists."
> missed that one...
> really now.  pay any attention to people like Bush, who
> stated that athiests cant be considered patriots, and
> are a danger to the country?  hows about pat robertson,
> who prays for the death of athiests daily, and wants a
> national religion imposed with penalties for those who
> dont proscribe.
> christians like YOU, perhaps, i dont know what kind of
> christian you are. christians like ME, definately.  but
> most christians...  no.  they are quite harmful and
> hatefull towards others.  atheist or non.

Well, Mr. Leak,

You still missed it. In fact I think you completely missed the entire context 
of my post.

You imply that I personally stated "Christians like me don't mind the harmless 
atheists." If you have an issue with the above statement I suggest you take it 
up with Mr. Wesley as he was responsible for saying it, not me.

I really would recommend that you read posts attributed to me more carefully 
before, figuratively speaking, pointing your accusing finger at me and labeling 
me as some "kind of [a] Christian" and lumping my alleged religious 
predilections with the likes of Bush Jr. and Pat Robertson.

You're right about one thing, however. You don't know what kind of a 
"Christian" I might be, as I have never stated that I am one.

I've also never stated I'm an atheist either.

Please read my posts more carefully before labeling me.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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