Damn good idea Bob!

Yes, people can get paid for what their robot does!

On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>  A simple law will fix the problem of robots replacing people.  The main
> features of such a law follow:
>     Only real persons shall be allowed to own  a robot free of tax.
> Additional robots can be owned by any given biological person,  but at an
> increasing tax as deemed necessary to keep their numbers down will be
> levied.  Corporations or non-biological persons will not be allowed to own
> robots, but can rent robots from owners.  Owners will have to obtain
> licenses to rent their robots.  However, only a fixed rental charge will be
> allowed as provided by the law.
>      (Robots will not be allowed to vote.)
>     Any robot produced by a licensed entity in contract with
> the government shall become owned by the government upon being manufactured
> and checked out and can only be sold to biological persons.
>     Patents for such robots shall be government owned, and patented robot
> production shall be allowed by any person under license, be they artificial
> or natural, providing that person is chartered in the United States and/or
> is a natural citizen of the United States.
>     Production of robots with various qualifications will be allowed by
> licensed entities--persons--much like nuclear plants for electricity are
> licensed for production by certain qualified entities and electric energy
> is sold under regulated cost controls.
>     Natural persons will be allowed to work without restriction, even if
> they do not own a robot or rent it  out separately to supplement their
> income.
>     Robot rent control shall be a local matter set by the local government
> under state law.
>      Imported robots become the property of the government upon crossing
> the boarder (like controlled substances) and can only be sold by the
> government as determined necessary and at reasonable costs based on the
> market in this country.  (This could act to improve government income.)
>      Only the government will be able to export robots.
> Bob
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net>
> *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 11, 2014 12:04 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:OT: what if everybody got free cash?
> When Robots Replace Human Workers (Harvard Business Review)
>     Progress in information storage and processing have made possible the
> creation intelligent machines at amazing speed that will soon dominate the
> world economy and devalue human labor:”This is why we will soon be looking
> at hordes of citizens of zero economic value.”
>     There is a term now used called “the Second Economy” which describes
> that portion of the economy where machines/computers interact only with
> other machines/computers. Economist Brian Arthur of the Santa Fe Institute
> predicts that by 2025, the Second Economy may be as large worldwide as the
> First Economy, and 100 million workers will be displaced.
>     Today robots are only capable of doing the work the work of a person
> of average intelligence, but if the rate of increase of robot IQ is only
> 1.5 per cent per year, by 2025, robots could have IQ levels higher than 90
> per cent of the US population.
>     Already robots have been shown to be superior in performance than
> anesthesiologists and radiologists, two jobs in the medical field that have
> required highly trained (and expensive) workers.
> ref
> http://www.e-catworld.com/2014/12/10/mfmps-project-dog-bone-thread-update-1-first-test-on-dummy-core/

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