I wrote:

> That would be a fascist solution to a problem that easily be solved by
> capitalistic methods.

Okay not exactly capitalistic by present-day standards. I mean handing out
money to everyone. Capitalism and socialism are both economic systems
predicated on the exchange of human labor for goods and services. With
advanced robots, human labor will be worth nothing, so we we must devise an
economy based on something else. It is easy to imagine other systems that
preserve freedom and that impose no special burden on anyone. My favorite
idea is what is proposed in this discussion: let us hand out money to
everyone, no strings attached, for nothing in return. Why not? If robots
produce the wealth, why no not just hand it out? It seems like a no-brainer
to me.

Wealthy people will yell that they are being unfairly treated under this
system. As a wealthy person myself, let me suggest we should not listen to
what wealthy people say about money. It is like listening to diet advice
from fat people.

- Jed

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