Title: Re: OffTopic: Lust and the bible

RC Macaulay wrote:

Hi Harry,
One would consider that after all the research you have done on the subject, you would give us answers instead of questions.

Hi Richard,

It is not my research, but the web page concludes by saying, "Only the
context can tell you which way it goes."

Anyway, the notion of lust is not entirely off topic for a fringe physics

I think Newton erred by over extending the principle of inertia. As I see it,
the principle only holds during a collision. Inertia is a body lusting for itself,
and to the opposing body this appears as a force.
Before and after a collision, the body returns to lusting for other bodies.

If the principle of inertia ceases to hold between material collisions
then Newton's problem of  "action at a distance"  does not arise.


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