Hi Dave!

Hope all is well in Robersonville…


Now to answer your questions…


“are you thinking of the protons (in the case of hydrogen) as being waves 
instead of particles?  If so, would not protons be extremely tiny wave packets 
due to their large mass?  In my estimation this would tend to localize them so 
that they look more like particles or the billiard balls that you mention.”


Yes, some kind of oscillatory entity or medium with a much smaller physical 
extent than electrons, and thus a much higher frequency of oscillation; orders 
of magnitude faster oscillations.  Ever play ping-pong?  Take the ping-pong 
ball, drop it on the table, and then take the paddle and restrict the balls 
upper bounce to a smaller and smaller height.  What happens??? The frequency of 
the ball’s bounce increases.  Can this analogy be applied to what we are seeing 
in the difference in oscillatory frequencies between electrons and protons.  
Something is restricting the physical extent of the oscillating 
medium/fluid/aether, resulting in a much higher freq’y of oscillation for 
protons compared to electrons.  The range of frequencies at which protons or 
electrons are oscillating also determines what energy range photons can be 
absorbed/emitted by those oscillators.  Gamma rays pass right thru the 
electrons as if they weren’t there, to finally interact with the nucleus… 
IR/visible/UV level photons (much slower frequencies than gamma) interact with 
electrons.  >From outside the nucleus, protons most likely *appear* to behave 
more particle-like, however, I would posit that at their scale, its’ more like 
superfluid oscillators with some element of coupling between them which we call 
the strong force.


“I also wonder about how they would shed the thermal energy when viewed as a 
packet.  In what form does this energy leave the atom?”


I would think that protons, having a much higher frequency of oscillation, do 
not interact with heat (IR photons); or at least only under very specific 
conditions (the emission spectrum of hydrogen is the simplest, is it not?).  
The energy level of photons is a function of their frequency, and IR/Vis/UV 
photons are *much* more likely to interact with electrons, since there is a 
close harmonic relationship between them.  Is the absorption/emission spectrum 
of Hydrogen that of hydrogen atom, or the hydrogen ion?  If it’s the H-atom, 
then I would be curious as to whether a proton (i.e., a H ion which has lost 
its single electron), can interact with IR/Vis/UV light at all… if so, is that 
interaction direct interaction, or is there something mediating the transfer of 
energy between the much lower frequency photons and much higher frequency 
proton oscillator???


“How do you take into account that there is repulsion between a number of 
protons trapped inside a void?  I would think that the forces pushing the 
protons apart would prevent them from having an opportunity to merge their 
waveforms due to the relatively large distances maintained.”


In a system where atoms OR ions have been cooled down to near 0K, the normal 
repulsion of like-charges no longer applies, and the BEC forms.  A BEC happens 
spontaneously when the atoms reach a certain temperature.  IIRC, one of the 
articles I referenced in a previous post states that the BEC is formed using 
Cesium IONS!  Thus, once a collection of atoms OR IONS have shed all their heat 
quanta, the concept of ‘charge’ and attraction/repulsion no longer apply.  At 
least if the atoms/ions are all the same flavor.  


I’d be curious to see what would happen in a similar experiment using 50 Cs 
ions and 50 He ions!  Would it form two separate BEC ‘globs’, and what kind of 
interaction would be present between them?


I think it safe to say that one has to view the BEC as an oscillating fluid, 
NOT as billiard balls. I.e., the particle-like nature of the wave-particle 
duality is no longer operating/present when all heat quanta have been removed 
from a collection of atoms.


I can also see a very simple explanation as to why that is… again involving 
resonance/discordance.  Discordance between two colliding atoms manifests in 
more billiard-ball like (particle-like) behavior.  Thus, it is very unlikely to 
couple energy from one atom INTO the other atom.  Instead, there is a TRANSFER 
of momentum from one atom to the other, typical of the analogy used in basic 
physics classes of two billiard balls on a pool table…  

  ****But transfer of energy from one atom INTO the INTERNAL oscillators of 
another atom requires at least a close resonant/harmonic relationship.**** 

This also may tie in with Frank’s concept of velocity of sound in the nucleus 
and ‘matching impedances’ and all that.


When one considers that any atom higher in the chart than H, is an increasing 
complexity of internal oscillators, with varying coupling between them, and 
quanta of energy being absorbed and shed depending on what the instant state of 
those oscillators happens to be, the best one could hope for in trying to 
explain or predict their behavior REQUIRES resorting to probabilities – thus, 
why quantum mechanics  is much more accurate than classical physics when it 
comes to explaining interactions at that level.




From: David Roberson [mailto:dlrober...@aol.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 11:40 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:RE: [Vo]:FYI: Strong light–matter coupling in two-dimensional 
atomic crystals


Mark, I see that I was not on the same page as you in this manner.  Sorry if I 
confused your concept. 

I want to understand what you are referring to by asking a couple of questions. 
 One, are you thinking of the protons(in the case of hydrogen) as being waves 
instead of particles?  If so, would not protons be extremely tiny wave packets 
due to their large mass?  In my estimation this would tend to localize them so 
that they look more like particles or the billiard balls that you mention.

I also wonder about how they would shed the thermal energy when viewed as a 
packet.  In what form does this energy leave the atom?  Kinetic energy and 
momentum can easily be shed to adjacent atoms if particles are involved. 

How do you take into account that there is repulsion between a number of 
protons trapped inside a void?  I would think that the forces pushing the 
protons apart would prevent them from having an opportunity to merge their 
waveforms due to the relatively large distances maintained. 





-----Original Message-----
From: MarkI-ZeroPoint <zeropo...@charter.net>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tue, Dec 30, 2014 10:52 am
Subject: [Vo]:RE: [Vo]:FYI: Strong light–matter coupling in two-dimensional 
atomic crystals


If my hypothesis is correct as to what the conditions are like in a 
void/microcavity, then looking at atoms in the void as ‘billiard balls’ 
colliding and rebounding as you describe, is I believe inaccurate; at least 
once the atoms shed their heat energy, their wave functions will overlap and 
become a BEC.  I.e., the less heat energy, the less the atom behaves as a 
billiard ball and more like an oscillating fluid…


Also, there will likely be some element of an E-field/B-field inside the void, 
and that will physically orient the motion of any atoms inside…


Wish I could be a fly on the void wall!




From: David Roberson [mailto:dlrober...@aol.com <mailto:dlrober...@aol.com?> ] 
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 9:10 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:FYI: Strong light–matter coupling in two-dimensional atomic 


I have considered what you are saying as being normal Mark.  Relative motion of 
an atom to itself is zero, so it is at zero kelvin as far as it knows.  When a 
second atom is added to the void, it becomes more complicated but the relative 
motion of the two must become zero many times per second as they collide and 
rebound within your assumed cavity.  During these brief intervals we have two 
atoms that are at zero Kelvin from their reference frame.  As you add more and 
more atoms to the mix the amount of time during which zero relative motion 
exists between them becomes smaller and less likely, but does occur.

As long as you keep the number of atoms relatively small that are required to 
react in the process of your choice, it will have an opportunity to happen many 
times per second inside each cavity.  Multiply that number by the number of 
possible active cavities within a large object and you get an enormous number 
of active sites that have the potential to react.

If only 4 atoms are required at zero Kelvin in order to react as you may be 
considering, it seems obvious that this will occur so often that a large amount 
of heat will be released by a system of that type.  When you realize that it 
seems to be very difficult to achieve an LENR device that generates lots of 
heat I suspect that the number of reacting atoms confined within the cavity is 
quite a bit greater than 4.  How many do you believe are required in order to 
combine and in what form is the ash?

On the other hand, if a reaction is virtually guaranteed once a modest number 
of atoms becomes confined inside the void, then the limiting factor might be 
that it becomes impossible to confine the required number under most 
conditions.  If this situation is the limiting factor, then a higher 
temperature could well allow more atoms of the reactants to enter into a void 
of the necessary type as more space become available when the cavity walls open 
with additional motion. 

I am not convinced that this type of reaction is the cause of LENR, but at 
least it should be given proper consideration.





-----Original Message-----
From: MarkI-ZeroPoint <zeropo...@charter.net>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Mon, Dec 29, 2014 10:54 pm
Subject: [Vo]:FYI: Strong light–matter coupling in two-dimensional atomic 



Article being referenced is at the bottom, however, I wanted to toss something 
out to The Collective first…


One of the things that caught my eye in the article is the ‘room temperature’ 


As we all know, atoms at room temp are vibrating like crazy since they contain 
the equivalent of 273degC of energy above their lowest state.  Thus, ‘coherent’ 
states in condensed matter above absolute zero is almost never seen.  The 
article’s experiment was done in material at room temp, so the observed 
behavior is a bit of a surprise.  Perhaps what they have not yet thought about 
is that the ‘microcavities’ have no temperature, as I will explain below.


This ties in with a point I tried to explain to Dr. Storms, and although I 
think he realizes my point had merit, he glossed right over it and went off on 
a different tangent.  This was in a vortex discussion about 9 to 12 months ago. 
 The point is this:


The ‘temperature’ inside a ‘void’ in a crystal lattice is most likely that of 
the vacuum of space; i.e, absolute zero, or very close to it.  Because, 
temperature is nothing more than excess energy imparted to atoms from 
neighboring atoms; atoms have temperature; space/vacuum does not.  Without 
atoms (physical matter), you have no temperature.  In a lattice void, if it is 
large enough (whatever that dimension is), there is NO ‘temperature’ inside 
since the void contains no atoms.  If an atom diffuses into that void, it 
enters with whatever energy it had when it entered, so it has a temperature.  
At this time, I have not heard any discussion as to whether the atoms which 
make up the walls of the void shed IR photons which could get absorbed by an 
atom in the void and increase its temperature, however, would that atom want to 
immediately shed that photon to get back to its lowest energy level???  So 
voids in crystals likely provide an ideal environment for the formation of BECs.


-mark iverson




Strong light–matter coupling in two-dimensional atomic crystals




“Two-dimensional atomic crystals of graphene, as well as transition-metal 
dichalcogenides, have emerged as a class of materials that demonstrate strong 
interaction with light. This interaction can be further controlled by embedding 
such materials into optical microcavities. When the interaction rate is 
engineered to be faster than dissipation from the light and matter entities, 
one reaches the ‘strong coupling’ regime. This results in the formation of 
half-light, half-matter bosonic quasiparticles called microcavity polaritons. 
Here, we report evidence of strong light–matter coupling and the formation of 
microcavity polaritons in a two-dimensional atomic crystal of molybdenum 
disulphide (MoS2) embedded inside a dielectric microcavity at room temperature. 
A Rabi splitting of 46 ± 3 meV is observed in angle-resolved reflectivity and 
photoluminescence spectra due to coupling between the two-dimensional excitons 
and the cavity photons. Realizing strong coupling at room temperature in 
two-dimensional materials that offer a disorder-free potential landscape 
provides an attractive route for the development of practical polaritonic 


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