In this email I mull over and ponder things, if this strikes you as too
long, please just read the below *bolded* and *italicized* *sentence*.

And to clarify, by enhancing the signal in the quantum vacuum, I mean
enhancing the wave function of the particle.

To use boats as an analogy, enhancing the signal might be achieved by
either increasing the density of the medium (water) around the boat so the
wave from that boat has more substance.

Or increasing the degree to which the boat creates waves, either by
increasing the degree of disturbance the boat creates, or the increasing
the disturbance it radiates.

But what is a wave function anyway???

Is a wave function not the degree of noise in the quantum field? And degree
of disorder.

If so, maybe it is that the temperature of space (zero point) must be made
to exceed the temperature of matter? Or exceed it by a certain degree.

Obviously the key is that the quantum phenomena gain in influence.
But the question is what is going on in the quantum medium for this to
occur, if we were to look at a quantum probability wave, are we looking to
increase the order or the disorder?

A collapsed wave has more than probability, it has certainty (dependant on
opinion on the Copenhagen interpretation).
So are we seeking a strong wave, but a strong wave must have a high degree
of uncertainty, and a low probability of being in any specific location.

*Huh, is it that heat causes collision, and collision collapses
*Maybe that is a better way of looking at it?*

That makes so much sense, is this something that is widely known and I have
just discovered what I missed reading about? Or a fresh insight?

It is worth noting that while often ignored due to the fact that it points
to a different paradigm, it does seem that consciousness can effect quantum
level events.

Now consciousness must be occurring as some kind of wave in the quantum
medium, which is then able to effect the wave function of a particle.

There must be less woo-woo examples, but could the same
enhancement/influence of the quantum background not be produced by a CAT
and thereby increasing whatever a wave function is?


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