*Experimental evidence always trumps theory.*

*I need that on a bumpersticker.  *

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 8:19 AM, <pjvannoor...@caiway.nl> wrote:

>   Hello Stefan
> I couldnt agree more with what you say. It is really strange that almost
> nobody
> is looking into the theory of R.Mills. I presented Mills theory a few
> years ago to
> a Nobel price winner in the Netherlands. He got angry.
> Somehow Quantum Physics took the wrong way. It was really at the start of
> the first formula
> to describe the atom with the Quantum theory where they went wrong.
> They couldnt explain the stability of the atom in a classic way  and Bohr
> postulated
> the stability of the atom. Mills found the solution to that problem. He
> proposed that the electron is a shell of current which
> is flowing in such a way that there are solutions to the Maxwell equations
> who correspond to the stable
> quantum levels of the electron in the hydrogen atom. What is more he found
> that with his model fractional quantum levels
> where also possible. He found these stable fractional quantum levels in
> his experiments, when he followed his theory
> that predicted that the groundstate of a hydrogen atom can be destablized
> by using catalyst which can take away n x 27.2 eV
> from atom through collision.
> Peter van Noorden
>  *From:* Stefan Israelsson Tampe <stefan.ita...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Saturday, January 10, 2015 7:20 PM
> *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:QM rant
>  I would like to see a grants and target institution targeted to answer
> your questions. Also it is good to remember that the standard model was
> fitted to high energy
> particle data, typically advanced theories degenerates at limits to a
> limited set of possible solutions, the standard model QED etc could very
> well be spot on at those
> high limits. Also  you don't get to see hydrinos at thise limits so it is
> unclear if it is wise to try what your suggest, jMills does take care to
> try explain quarks, electorns
> etc as well in his book to hint on the nature of these particles. I can't
> judge those efforts, but for sure it is not certain that everything that
> needs to be developed have been done so
> using his ideas as a base. But if he does not have developed something
> there are possible a permutation of ideas to try ranging from simple
> modifications to what
> Mills is doing to actually add further terms and additions to maxwells
> equations. Again we need to put manwork and grants into this to get
> anywhere.
> On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 7:05 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  I would like to see Mills rewrite the dirac equations for the electron
>> to reflect his hydrino theory. This includes the experimental verification
>> of a fractionally charged positron. There should be gamma rays produced to
>> account for hydrino anti-hydrino annihilation. How does the anti-hydrino
>> interact with the electron? What neutrino is produced when a hydrino is
>> emitted in beta decay? There are 101 other permutations and combinations of
>> interactions that could be experimentally demonstrated involving the
>> hydrino as a fundamental elementary particle.
>> On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 12:46 PM, Stefan Israelsson Tampe <
>> stefan.ita...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Orionworks,
>>> Yes experiments is all good, i'm more concerned why we don't get any
>>> replication / debunks and from more independent sources. Is'n there
>>> enough to verify the evidences? Also what if it's too difficult to
>>> create hydrinos, and Mills theory would be better suited to explain for
>>> example
>>> cold fusion or high temperature super conductors. Mills theory can with
>>> great certainty help humanity even if the hydrino effort fails. Why can't I
>>> hire engineers who know how to model atoms like Mills is doing, are we
>>> servicing our society as well as we should via our institutions or are the
>>> folks there cooked into their theory  that is wrong. I think that there
>>> is huge base of prediction of experiments that Mills does so already
>>> experiments have triumphed via the well fit between what we know about
>>> atoms and what his theory does with almost no assumptions at all.
>>> Our current knowledge may very be faulty and a retake on the whole
>>> fundamentals of nature might be needed, not seeing this and not feeling
>>> excited about this opportunity, is amazing.
>>> Have Fun
>>> On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 6:00 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <
>>> orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:
>>>>   Stefan,
>>>> Please correct me if I am mistaken but I assume you are the same
>>>> "stefan" who has posted similar complaints out at the SCP discussion group.
>>>> As has frequently been stated out in the Vort Collective...
>>>> *Experimental evidence always trumps theory. *
>>>> I must confess the fact that I personally find Mills' CQM interesting,
>>>> perhaps even tantalizing, see:
>>>> http://personalpen.orionworks.com/blacklight-power.htm
>>>> ...where I wrote a personal report on Dr. Mills' audacious CQM theory.
>>>> I need to stress the fact that this is a NON-SCIENTIIC report & analysis.
>>>> It is my personal take on an upstart brave new theory which seems to have a
>>>> lot going for it. I tried to remain as objective as I could concerning a
>>>> highly controversial theory for which I have insufficient mathematical
>>>> expertise to either confirm or disprove.
>>>> Let me change gears here. To be honest I am getting tired listening to
>>>> yet another argument that Mills' CQM theory is better than QM. Such
>>>> arguments will resolve nothing. The solution is both paradoxically simple
>>>> while admittedly being technologically challenging. BLP needs to cobble
>>>> together an experimental prototype which definitively verifies the fact
>>>> that the technology is capable of self-running while generating lots of
>>>> excess electricity. I have repeatedly suggested BLP demonstrate an
>>>> EXPERIMENTAL prototype as a precursor to creating a commercial prototype. I
>>>> have done so because I am under the opinion that assembling the first
>>>> commercial system may still be many years off into the future. BLP bravely
>>>> implies that a commercial system is just around the corner... but I don't
>>>> believe it. Nevertheless, I would love to be proven wrong on this point.
>>>> But until I'm proven wrong, I have to continue to rely on my own gut
>>>> instincts based on my own 36 years of personal experience in the software
>>>> industry. In my experience developing brand new software (and hardware),
>>>> particularly a new product  that has never developed before tends to take a
>>>> lot longer than originally anticipated.
>>>> See my personal posts:
>>>> https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/SocietyforClassicalPhysics/conversations/messages/4330
>>>> and
>>>> https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/SocietyforClassicalPhysics/conversations/messages/4345
>>>> So far, Dr. Mills as repeatedly ignored the primary concerns expressed
>>>> in my above posts. He has said nothing about the possibility of assembling
>>>> a more definitive experimental prototype within BLPs' lab walls. IMO, he
>>>> seems to be evading the question. Mills has instead deflected conversation
>>>> towards the fact that BLP continues to accumulate independent scientific
>>>> reports that appear to verify various aspects of his CQM theory. All the
>>>> peanut gallery knows at the moment is the fact that BLP has contracted with
>>>> outside engineering firms to assemble the first commercial system. The
>>>> first delivery was supposed to have occurred in December of last year.
>>>> That, of course, never happened. We have yet to hear when a new revised
>>>> delivery date is to be expected. We have, in fact, no idea. That is another
>>>> reason why I tend to think the actual delivery date for a real commercial
>>>> system is likely to be years, not months off into the future.
>>>> Let me end by saying I don't fault BLPs' efforts. I have no reason to
>>>> think BLP or Mills are acting in less honorable ways. My primary concern is
>>>> that, IMHO, if BLP wants to be taken more seriously, sooner rather than
>>>> later, then I suggest the company cobble together an experimental prototype
>>>> that self-runs and produces excess electricity ASAP. The prototype does not
>>>> have to run long. Just long enough to prove their point. I say this because
>>>> I am under the impression that the anticipated commercial system is
>>>> probably going to take a lot longer than BLP had originally anticipated...
>>>> perhaps as long as several more years. I say this because I suspect that if
>>>> BLP attempted to cobble together nothing more deceptively simple as just an
>>>> EXPERIMENTAL prototype (a prototype not meant for commercial applications)
>>>> such attempts will also likely to turn out to be an equally formidable
>>>> challenge. In fact I suspect the challenge is precisely why Mills has not
>>>> directly replied to my suggestion.
>>>> I would nevertheless be thrilled to be proven wrong on these last
>>>> points. ...and perhaps Mills doesn't care to be taken more seriously sooner
>>>> rather than later. Focus on developing the commercial system, and be damned
>>>> with assembling another intermediate experimental demo. If BLP's financial
>>>> backers remain in the loop... if they remain satisfied with the progress
>>>> they are seeing, running a more stealthy operation is a perfectly
>>>> legitimate strategy. Granted it's a bummer for the rest of us who reside in
>>>> the peanut gallery, but it's not my call. ;-)
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Steven Vincent Johnson
>>>> svjart.orionworks.com
>>>> zazzle.com/orionworks

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