Hi Lane.  It's good to see you are still kicking.  I have not done much since 
the publication of my book.
Occasionally I update it, but I consider my work to be done.  For sure, there 
is no money in it.
Even with the help of your web page, that attracted thousands of viewers, I 
still did not sell many books.  In economic terms a continuing effort in this 
area, for me, is fully diminished.  I believe we are all there. 

My latest effort is in writing apps.  They can sell them for 99 cents.  It has 
not been easy.  I first downloaded the programming module, Ellipse.  It was 
obsolete.  Now I upgraded to Android Studio.  My computer would not run Android 
Studio and I had to load a software hardware accelerator.   This required 
getting into the computer's BIOS and manually changing it.   Finally, gasp,  
Android Studio and the cell phone emulator were running on my computer.

The next steps proved equally confounding.  The Java operating system confuses 
me.  If you want to make something simple like  draw circle of radius r; you 
have to make a code that looks like this:
@ overide mycircile extends package ....

In short, I could not get the Java to draw even a simple circle.  So then I 
tried to download the C++ Andriod compiler NDK.  Nothing happened to the 
Android Studio operator's page after the download.  C++ is sure not compiling.  
Darn, I know how to draw a circle in C++.  Its involves only one line of code.

The Android code comes bundled in several packages.  One of them is XML.  Yes, 
you got to do them all to draw a simple circle.  It requires about 6 programs 
and 40 lines of code.  XML was a way to encapsulate data.  For example, if you 
had web page that was static and you wanted to add something dynamic like 
today's temperate; you would have the server send the temperature to the web 
page bundled in an XML data file.  A Java Script in the HTML page would pull in 
the XML data and display it within the static web page.

Android XML does not carry data.  It displays a static view similar to HTML.  
There is not way to send data to the android XML.  I am so confounded that I am 
ready to give up.  The next time I see those little Androids riding on the 
buss, I will know that they are crazy mad.

Good work Lane and commend you for your perseverance.  For now, I gave up.

Frank Z

-----Original Message-----
From: Lane Davis <seattle.tr...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sun, Jan 11, 2015 11:02 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Calculating the Energy of an atom using the equation for an 
isolated  conducting sphere.

I just released a new paper on modeling the Atom and photon as a capacitor and 
producing the correct energy levels. This work corresponds perfectly to Andre 
Michaud's paper which was also released the same day. Turns out that we had 
been working on similar equations with the photon, although he had never 
formulated the ground state energy of hydrogen like I did.
Frank Znidarsic's model is also closely related to this. Here is a link to my 
paper, as well as Andre's. I had never spoken to him before the day both our 
papers were released.
YouTube video explaining the  paper here:  http://youtu.be/PSsVI53auAI
My Paper:
Let me know what you think if you read it.

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