Nice work Jeff,


You have made Mills more accessible, but I’m not sure he would agree with 
everything that you have done here, due to the implications. This is also very 
similar to what Michaud is showing – with the huge emphasis on 511 keV value, 
which permeates the entire field of LENR… kinda’ like the smile of the Cheshire 
cat… and it is all tied into Hotson/Dirac and the epo field.


And although you state: the “Transition State Orbitsphere” (TSO) is created at 
orbit state n= alpha = 1/137.036 (i.e. FSC or fine structure constant … where 
matter and energy are indistinguishable by any physical property” according to 
[Mills] … yet, for some strange reason you stop there, instead of actually 
identifying and analyzing that precise mass-energy state as being relevant in 
itself – such as the end product of “shrinkage”. 


To cut to the chase, when you multiply this fundamental value of electron or 
positron mass (511 keV) by alpha (along with a relativistic correction) the 
result is essentially the same as the mass-energy signature of the DDL – which 
is equivalent to dark matter (and is unlike Mills’ actual prediction). The 
actual value as it is showing  in dozens of cosmological papers, appears to be 
3.56 keV as opposed to 3.73 keV, which difference is the relativistic 
correction. Are you unaware of the cosmology papers behind this? They can only 
serve to boost your case.


If this 3.56 keV value is indeed the end of the road for ground state hydrogen 
redundancy, then it should be the most important value in all of physics, since 
it would explain dark matter as an isomer of hydrogen – which is most of the 
mass of the visible Universe, so why not most of the mass of the invisible? … 
yet everyone in LENR appears to be avoiding cosmology like the plague. I hope 
that is not because it goes back to Dirac and not to Mills, but of course – the 
similarity could all be a “coincidence”.


Yet, since this particular value is the hottest topic in cosmology these days, 
it is a mystery why observers here on vortex avoid connecting real observation 
in another field with theory - to explain LENR as the energetic creation of 
dark matter, and not a nuclear reaction. In the eyes of the mainstream, if the 
3.56 keV x-ray is verified in experiment, the field could change almost 
overnight from “pathological” to “cutting edge”…


From: Jeff Driscoll 


take a look at Appendix 2 starting on page 62 of this, it is very similar to 
what you did:

this comes from the "summary" of pair production on this page

the website is a wikia for Blacklight Power's theory,


On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 11:02 PM, Lane Davis <> wrote:

I just released a new paper on modeling the Atom and photon as a capacitor and 
producing the correct energy levels. This work corresponds perfectly to Andre 
Michaud's paper which was also released the same day. Turns out that we had 
been working on similar equations with the photon, although he had never 
formulated the ground state energy of hydrogen like I did.

Frank Znidarsic's model is also closely related to this. Here is a link to my 
paper, as well as Andre's. I had never spoken to him before the day both our 
papers were released.

YouTube video explaining the  paper here:

My Paper:


Let me know what you think if you read it.



Jeff Driscoll

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