Hi Jones, thanks, I have in fact tuned again into Vortex a couple of months ago.

Cosmology is too young a science.
The Universe is not only expanding, but expanding at an accelerated rate. This poses a very serious problem for any Big Bang model where the expansion energy comes for the initial explosion. See, by example: Cosmological constant predictions <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmological_constant#Predictions>, and the so called Vacuum catastrophe <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_catastrophe>. 120 orders of magnitude... those who rejoice in the accurate predictions of Quantum Mechanics, down to many significant digits, should never forget that enormous discrepancy between a Quantum theory of the microscopic, and the observed macroscopic behaviour of the Universe.


On 02/28/2015 03:11 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
This is where it all began?

Here is abigstory for Mauro Lacy,if he is still tuned into Vortex, or anyone else withcosmology credentials…


This“impossible”object presentsus withthedistinctpossibility of a new version of the Big Bangwhich can explainUniversalexpansion in auniqueway.This could be called “bifurcatedexpansion”… which isbasicallyasingleexpansion,followed bythe earlycontractionofa fractionof theoriginalmass;andthen acontinuingexpansionor the remainder– all in the first billion years.

The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological modeland it proposesthat the Universe was in a very high density state and expandedwith asinglebangapproximately 13.8 billion years agoand that matterandantimatterwere not created in equal amounts.But [SDSS J0100+2802] as the ultra-luminous quasar is called, is too large for the Big Bangmodel to accommodate.Effectively all bets are now off, since the Big Bang theory will be shown to be incorrectby this discovery.

This objectis a singularity whichcould betellingus thatIT aloneis the actuallocus–theplace oforigin of the Universe,and that everythingsubsequentlyderived fromthis exact location (which isbetween Pisces and Andromedafrom ourperspective).Thus, what we have is an initialCreationevent which expanded formanymillions of years but which thencooled andunderwent abasicchange-so that part of the total mass (perhaps half) coalesced and contracted, while the other halfcontinued to expand, gaining velocity from the half which contracted. We could surmise that the halfwhichcoalesced was antimatter,or at least another form of matter (mirror matter) and the half that continued to expandis theregularmatter,which we know and love.The implication is that[SDSS J0100+2802]is composed exclusively of antimatter (or mirror matter).

You heard it first on vortex…J

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