Rossi’s “too cheap to copy” strategy is naive and will break Rossi’s heart
in the end. This strategy is based on the assumption that the E-Cat is the
best possible form of LENR that can possibly be produced. This assumption
is not true.  Rossi has quite an ego to even think along those terms. The
Solar Hydrogen Trends(SHT) system is a better system for many important
LENR based applications. This instant on system does not take ten days to
startup and it does not produce much heat. Such an improvement in
technology does burn water and auminum as a consumable.There is also direct
electrical conversion that would add great value to the LENR reactor
concept.  Take the auto engine as a very inportant LENR application for
example. A instant on car engine is a good application for that mobile type
of LENR application. There are train engines and plane engines and ship
engines too.  The Papp engine is even better than the hydrogen machine
based on the kind of power that it produces. The Papp engine  may be the
best kind of application that LENR can produce for an engine since it
generates only mechanical tork.

When the powerful global big money energy players get their hands on an
E-Cat and they allocate unlimited R&D money,  armies of quantum mechanics
and their high tech analysis equipment, It won’t take long for Rossi’s
E-Cat  to take on the the time worn antique visage of the Edison light bulb
and the Wright brothers flyer in terms of its primitive technology. Rossi
will be moved out of the LENR game so fast, it will make his head spin. His
fate will be the same as that of Edison, Tesla, and the Wright Brothers. We
will always love and respect Rossi as the man who got LENR off the ground,
but Rossi will soon lose control of his baby just like Edison and the
Wright Brothers lost control of their brain children. No man can keep power
indefinitely or even for very long. There is too much competition around
this world for any man to do that.

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