Axil I respect your theoretical broad understanding of physics. I have to
say that your opinion about what drives people like Rossi is way off the
mark. You know getting older (I do not know your age at all but assume you
are a lot younger than I) does not mean you are in a bigger hurry to get
rich and 'enjoy' life as you say. Enjoying life is to be alive and have
goals, which you fulfill. I have no personal relation to Rossi. However, I
can imagine his goals and it seems OK to me. I am sure he fulfill them as
he see fit.
The patent discussion is futile. Patents will only benefit the legal
community. I agree with a.ashfield - having market shares early is

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 5:48 AM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> IMHO, What makes Rossi tick is a tight connection between the EGO of
>> Rossi and his E-Cat. He cannot give control of this device to someone else.
>> Like Joe Papp, Rossi will never tell anybody how it works; valid patent or
>> no.
> If other people cannot replicate the device from the patent, then by
> definition the patent is not valid.
> A person having ordinary skill in the art (PHOSITA) has to be able to
> replicate or a patent will be ruled invalid.
> - Jed

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