I beg to differ a little.
1. Rossi spends a lot of time studying theory. It seems that the theory of how it works is difficult and it will take an inspired individual to crack it. Just throwing money at it may not help. 2. If Rossi comes out with a good device at the right price he will get trade name recognition. That is worth a lot. 3. The potential field is so vast there is plenty of room for competitors. He will have enough business to keep himself happy for as long as he wants to work. He has said that he is not interested in becoming ultra rich. 4. The problem I see is that others are patenting every variation and Industrial Heal may have to spend a lot of money on lawyers to be able to sell what they invented. 5. I think Rossi has more of a head start than you credit him with. Any new device has to be tested fo a long time so it is not that easy to catch up. Possibly another entirely different device may make the E-Cat obsolete, like Solar Hydrogen Trends - but does anyone know if any of them work yet? 6. There is a whole field of combining E-Cats with micro turbines (etc) to produce electricity that will also keep many busy for years. I suspect this is right up Rossi's street.

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