To me, Hotson’s view is also correct, and another way of saying the same thing… 
possibly more intuitive, since it recognizes that epo field can “materialize” 
when excited, but is always a background condition.

From: Bob Higgins 

According to Hotson, pair production is not matter creation, it is only 
"ionizing" an epo (electron - positron pair in a DDL-like orbit).  To me, this 
is far more plausible than matter creation.

Jones Beene wrote:
It’s called “pair production” and is well-known but requires high energy
…photons converted to matter and vice-versa.
…kinda like, you know … dilithium crystals… :-)
From: Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson 
Does there exist any kind of natural phenomenon we currently know of that might 
be capable of (under specific conditions) transforming from matter into energy 
and then back into matter in a cyclically controlled fashion - presumably with 
the aid of an advanced form of 21st Century technology? Please, no 23rd century 
Star Trek transporter speculation need apply here... too many extrapolations.
For example, I give the following crude scenario: Convert a magnetically 
contained plasma toroid of spinning sub-atomic particles protons (fermions) 
into photons (bosons) – and then convert the photons back into protons. Do this 
cyclically and very quickly with the aid of some kind of super-duper 21 century 
I can’t immediately think of such a methodology using 21st century technology. 
But then... there might be few on this list who'd care to shine some "light" on 
the "matter"... no pun intended.
Steven Vincent Johnson

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