Hi Steven
I read your idea with the cannonball between
two reflekting mirrors.
I had an idea similar but with lets say
hydrogen atoms reflectet between two vertical parallel
walls at escape velocity.I think those particals
would follow a parabolic path climbing between the vertical walls.I wonder what 
would happen if one would install a horizontal
cover on top of the parallel walls limiting the
upwards movement of those oscillating particals?would they generate an upward
Next question: what would happen if this
takes place in a closed box?
Hauke Hein

--- Mensaje Original ---

Desde: "Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson" <orionwo...@charter.net>
Enviado: 27 de julio de 2015 16:09
Para: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Asunto: RE: [Vo]:Matter to energy, and back

Bob, Jones,

Thanks for humoring me. I am not surprised that discussing energy/matter 
conversion techniques in 21st century terms is, how should I put it, a 
debatable matter.

Here's where I'm going with my previous request:

If practical M/E conversion technology could eventually be developed I think 
there might exist a particular type of thrust engine (mimicking anti-gravity) 
that could be developed capable of manipulating principals involving escape 
velocity & angular momentum. Think of Newton's famous illustration showing a 
cannon shooting a series of cannon balls around the earth with increasing 
values of velocity. Given enough velocity, you eventually can get a cannon ball 
into an orbit around Earth. With a little more velocity, it's off to the Moon 
and beyond! Now, think of a unique kind of high-tech cannon ball (matter) 
that's travelling faster than 17.5k mph, a ball of mass that we could 
technologically convert into energy after only a short distance so that 
something like a mirror could reflect all the photons back, let's say back at 
approximately 180 degrees. Then, after a very short time, convert the ball of 
photons back into a ball of mass so that once again it continues to travel at 
17.5k mph. Think of a fun house, a house of mirrors where you see yourself 
reflected ad-infinitum. It seems to me that since Earth's curvature, and 
associated gravity field, is still a physical factor in the cannon ball's 
back-and-forth velocity (which is still travelling at escape velocity)... I 
think that little critter is going to want to go up, up, UP, even though it's 
not travelling around Earth.

I don't claim doing this is possible, or even practical; certainly not with the 
kind of technology we current have. I only claim that if a newfangled 
contraption could be built that could whack a bunch of malleable mass 
back-and-forth between a set of mirrors when it's briefly converted into its 
energy phase... according to my understanding of Newtonian physics, it just 
might work.

I have a fallback plan. There's this guy trying to sell me shares in a 
dilithium mine. Out in the Gobi Desert somewhere. Wave of the future! A sure 
deal. ;-)


Steven Vincent Johnson



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