EM drive is claimed to be relativistic so by making a closed system in our 
frame, [his trapezoidal microwave cavity], you are using Lorentzian effects to 
unbalance the normal equal and opposite reactions in our frame.. of course in 
the case of LENR the hydrogen never see it that way because it becomes time 
dilated and balances out the forces on an axis we perceive as temporal from our 
perspective. This is a neo Lorentzian perspective based on Naudt’s paper 
describing the hydrino as relativistic hydrogen.. Casimir suppression making 
space time lower than the isotropy, warping instead of the welling to create 
negative gravitational equivalent acceleration… if you spatially can’t go 
slower when already stationary then negative acceleration must effect the 
temporal coordinate instead –IMHO this is much easier at the nano scale than 
many suspect and is performed without energy by geometrical segregation of 
virtual particles into macro scale regions where smaller vp are concentrated in 
the suppression zones and larger vp congregate just outside. I think this 
segregation into macro scale regions large enough for physical matter to react 
with makes the quantum foam and HUP exploitable forces.

From: Hauke Hein [mailto:hhe...@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 9:48 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:Matter to energy, and back

Hi Steven
I was thinking that maybe hydrogen at low
pressure and moderate temperature has a
rms velocity of close to escape velocity.
If one would calculate the weight of the hydrogen inside a hermetically closed
container that has the right pressure and
temperature for rms escape velocity and
then weigh it with an supersensitive balance
there might be a difference .I guess a certain
percentage of the molecules would due to there speed and trajectory behave like 
the ones between parallel vertical plates like in our communication before and 
generate a small
upward push.
I know that should not work in a closed system but heck the EMDRIVE seems to 
and that is a closed system!
Hauke Hein

--- Mensaje Original ---

Desde: "Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson" 
Enviado: 27 de julio de 2015 18:33
Para: vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Asunto: RE: [Vo]:Matter to energy, and back


I think your design concept is pretty much the same concept as mine. I would 
also speculate that using hydrogen atoms, or perhaps a hydrogen plasma stream, 
would help simplify what engineering might be involved. If there is a 
"cover"... then yes, it would be my suspicion that an upward thrust would be 

Wish there was a way to find out if such an experiment could be conducted.


Steven Vincent Johnson



From: Hauke Hein [mailto:hhe...@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 4:54 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Matter to energy, and back

Hi Steven
I read your idea with the cannonball between
two reflekting mirrors.
I had an idea similar but with lets say
hydrogen atoms reflectet between two vertical parallel
walls at escape velocity.I think those particals
would follow a parabolic path climbing between the vertical walls.I wonder what 
would happen if one would install a horizontal
cover on top of the parallel walls limiting the
upwards movement of those oscillating particals?would they generate an upward
Next question: what would happen if this
takes place in a closed box?
Hauke Hein

--- Mensaje Original ---

Desde: "Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson" 
Enviado: 27 de julio de 2015 16:09
Para: vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Asunto: RE: [Vo]:Matter to energy, and back

Bob, Jones,

Thanks for humoring me. I am not surprised that discussing energy/matter 
conversion techniques in 21st century terms is, how should I put it, a 
debatable matter.

Here's where I'm going with my previous request:

If practical M/E conversion technology could eventually be developed I think 
there might exist a particular type of thrust engine (mimicking anti-gravity) 
that could be developed capable of manipulating principals involving escape 
velocity & angular momentum. Think of Newton's famous illustration showing a 
cannon shooting a series of cannon balls around the earth with increasing 
values of velocity. Given enough velocity, you eventually can get a cannon ball 
into an orbit around Earth. With a little more velocity, it's off to the Moon 
and beyond! Now, think of a unique kind of high-tech cannon ball (matter) 
that's travelling faster than 17.5k mph, a ball of mass that we could 
technologically convert into energy after only a short distance so that 
something like a mirror could reflect all the photons back, let's say back at 
approximately 180 degrees. Then, after a very short time, convert the ball of 
photons back into a ball of mass so that once again it continues to travel at 
17.5k mph. Think of a fun house, a house of mirrors where you see yourself 
reflected ad-infinitum. It seems to me that since Earth's curvature, and 
associated gravity field, is still a physical factor in the cannon ball's 
back-and-forth velocity (which is still travelling at escape velocity)... I 
think that little critter is going to want to go up, up, UP, even though it's 
not travelling around Earth.

I don't claim doing this is possible, or even practical; certainly not with the 
kind of technology we current have. I only claim that if a newfangled 
contraption could be built that could whack a bunch of malleable mass 
back-and-forth between a set of mirrors when it's briefly converted into its 
energy phase... according to my understanding of Newtonian physics, it just 
might work.

I have a fallback plan. There's this guy trying to sell me shares in a 
dilithium mine. Out in the Gobi Desert somewhere. Wave of the future! A sure 
deal. ;-)


Steven Vincent Johnson



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