The Plutocrats of the day wanted a march on Washington to overthrow FDR as 
secretly led by them. Congress held hearings and supposedly investigated but as 
with modern day TBTJ banks (suggesting snipers for the Occupy movement and 
paying for police ‘charities’ in appreciation of their future work) it went 
nowhere.  Smedley Butler was a credible patriot who got tired of being a 
gangster for Wall Street.

Inflation of services has been reported on National Public Radio and education 
is most noticeable.  There is huge inflation in investments/assets as money 
desperately chases yield.  The zero interest rate phenomena makes it worse as 
well as fears about banks (add ‘bail in’s to the list).  The positive potential 
here is that a solid crash could eliminate many of the 1% and their power.

Few seem to realize that the millennials situation may doom any future economy 
– there are homes not being bought, families not being started and crushing 
college debt for many who now live with their parents.  At some point, it isn’t 
reversible.  This may be an overlooked factor in why ending the Great 
Depression was so difficult – damaging the ‘handover’ of an economy to the next 

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