FDR was nearly the victim of a fascist coup that is usually left out of history 
textbooks.   And we do have nasty inflation in services, which is often 
overlooked in gov. stats. (NPR). Wages have suffered relative deflation as 
minimum wage will not pay for rent ( properly) in any of the 50 states. I 
understand that this may extend to all counties now.

I am tempted by the viewpoint that society is like a 3 year old child just 
before bedtime.  There is much commotion and resistance and yelling – and then 
sudden capitulation.   We are seeing and hearing all sorts of craziness in 
resisting changes that our world must make.  I believe that the Soviet Union 
and Fascist Spain ended because their leaders lost all faith in the system – 
followed by sudden change.  In this, perhaps there is hope.

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