
Thanks for providing a little further explanation.


I looked thru the postings and did not see where I referred to your postings
as being 'rants'. none.  I also never said it wasn't informative, only very
one-sided.  Agree that the world is full of 1-sided POVs, and I didn't have
a prob with your posting, however, for once, I happened to feel compelled to
comment and include additional data to provide a more complete view of the
overall issue.  Aside from my first sentence, did my contribution add to the
overall value of that topic???  Did it further inform anyone who bothered to
read it?  At least one did. Lennart! J  He must be bored!!


If we go back 4  to 6 years, you've made quite a number of OT postings about
the evil repubs in your state of Wisconsin. and that's perfectly fine!  I
even started to read most of them when they appeared.  I don't care if you
want to spend your time doing that. and certainly didn't try to dissuade
you.   This one time I happened to feel like commenting on it.  Sorry, next
time I'll try to start my 2 cent posting in a more benign manner.


"As for the rest, to be honest I'm just no longer motivated enuf to go back
and explain myself."

I may be weird, but given all that we've expressed on this, that statement
seems to say, "I know I'm right and not interested in entertaining other
opinions or trying to understand where the other person is coming from."  It
assumes that there was no validity whatsoever to my explanation as to how my
impression of all your angry-at-GovWalker-Repubs political postings led me
to perhaps phrase it the way I did. now who's being patronizing???  OK, you
got me back. 


RE: your OT postings over the years about political/work-related

You say first impressions count!  And I agree. however, perceptions are as
important, if not more so.  I sincerely don't think you realize that posting
such strong, angry, postings on a public forum causes people to develop a
perception of who you are. and don't you think that that influences them
when they go to interact with you??  It most certainly does!  Any
politician/manager/leader will tell you perception is everything; not that I
agree with that entirely, but it is a very important aspect to how people
treat you; at least, until they interact enough to know you on a more
personal level.


I wish I had more time to participate in the Vort sand box. things are
definitely heating up in LENR-land. finally!!  Unfortunately, I'm busy with
getting the noninvasive glucose tech restarted.  Have inked a deal with a
gent in the Bay Area who has raised some seed $ for a validation study. keep
fingers crossed that we can get series-A funding, and if the validation
study results are as good as the preclinicals, then I know we won't have any
trouble raising what we need. diabetics have been hoping for 30 years for a
truly painless glucometer. I am doing what I can to make that happen.


B Well,



From: Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 9:06 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:OT: Interesting interactive graphics depicting who is
buying the 2016 presidential race




I'm impressed by your earnestness in wanting to get clarification. I'll just
focus on one exchange. What motivated me to go on the offensive, so to
speak, was the first comment you made, which was:


> The NYT article is so blatantly one-sided, but of course, you know that...

> at least, I hope you do.


As the old say'in goes: First impressions count.


Granted, it may not have been your intention to do so but that was a
patronizing thing to say to anyone. So what if it's a one-sided article. So
what if I posted that "one-side" article out to Vort Land. The world if full
of one-sided POVs, and inevitably someone's one-sided POV (or article) is
not going to align with one's personal stash of approved POVs. That doesn't
make that so-called one-sided POV any less informative.


As for the rest, to be honest I'm just no longer motivated enuf to go back
and explain myself. Based on other comments you made I get the impression
much of anything else I might say pertaining to the political arena would be
interpreted as yet another leftist "rant" coming from me. You did call some
of my prior comments "rants". But, enuf of interpreting my POVs. Let me put
it another way. maybe you were more accurate than I was on some of the
points you were trying to make, and perhaps I was more accurate on some of
the other points. As for me, I would prefer to find common ground on what we
can agree on rather than what we disagree on. Energy tends to be expended
more efficiently when we work in a sand box of common ground.


So, c u back in the Vort Sand box. Perhaps the next time we connect will end
up on the same side.



Steven Vincent Johnson


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