
Again, appreciate you’re reading/responding… and I apologize for missing my 
first use of ‘rant’.  I stand corrected… 

And please don’t let this exchange dissuade you from venting… you always follow 
protocol and label them OT.  And I will very likely read them… you are an 
intelligent, inquisitive being and write well… you being retired now, 
perceptions probably aren’t much of a concern, but for those who are not, and 
with the ease with which writings propagate on the net, perception can be 
crucial is one’s career and interaction with others.


Yes, movin’ on, and with some biggies now into LENR (Airbus, etc.) the genie is 
pretty much out of the bottle… this has caused the theoretical  types to ponder 
what QM has to say about the mechanism, and we are seeing more theoretical 
papers… that’s definitely a good thing.

Funny you should mention spock/ST… of the main characters in the original 
series, is he your fav?  He and LtCmdr Data from STTNG are mine.  If they were 
running the govt we’d be much better off!! J  Of course, if one includes 
ST-Voyager in the mix, then all bets are off and 7-of-9 is on top!!! ;-)  In my 
dreams… LoL. 


Thank you for the well-wishes on the glucose tech… it’s been a *very* long 
struggle;  I first got involved in 1993… I am very thankful that someone a bit 
younger has picked up the torch!  Keep up with the orbital mech studies… who 
knows, like ChemE, you just might have a thing or two to teach the ‘experts’.


Honey Do lists are important!  I have two items on the latest one, and they are 
a nice diversion and get me up and away from the computer…


Best always, and enjoy your retirement…


PS, let’s hope that whoever gets elected in Wisconsin, they will at least be 
*fiscally* conservative so as not to bankrupt the state so your retirement 
checks don’t turn to rubber…  ;-) Pension funds can go ‘poof’!



From: Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 8:45 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:OT: Interesting interactive graphics depicting who is buying 
the 2016 presidential race


Hi Mark, my old nemesis. ;-)


Regarding the "rant" word accusation see the following link out in the Vortex 


specifically, your statement:


> 3- but then, what comes to mind whenever I see anything (OT) from you, is

> that it's going to be yet another rant on how evil the Christians and

> Republicans are.  


All I really want to say about that is: Even if you did say it, so what! I 
don't feel like holding it against you! I DO rant at times! ;-) I've also lost 
count of the many things I've said in the past to others that I've later 
regretted saying. I'm sure there will be more to come in the future. But each 
day I try my best to keep whittling it down.


On other matters I can understand, and will also validate, why you might feel 
that I have in a sense patronized you when I said "As for the rest, to be 
honest I’m just no longer motivated enuf to go back and explain myself.” Guilty 
as charged. But to be honest, my primary motivation was no to patronize you. I 
had a more selfish motivation. I was just tired of it all. I don't  want to go 
through the whole back-and-forth process.... again.


Let's move on. Indeed, I hope CF continues to heat up. One thing participating 
in Vortex since the 1990s has taught me is that it helps to acquire an infinite 
amount of patience.  Miracles don't happen overnight. 


As for you, my old nemesis... despite my best judgement I think I am growing 
fond of you. ;-)


Paraphrasing something Spock might say, I wish you great prosperity in securing 
adequate funding for your startup company. Instead of crossing my fingers, I'll 
simply give you a high:  \\//  Perhaps Spock would then follow his salute by 
saying, "I find it highly ironic that excess sugar intake is now responsible 
killing so many people in the developed world on your planet." So, yes, good 
luck in your endeavors. Many diabetics will truly appreciate your efforts.


As for me, since my retirement of last December I'm spending as much personal 
time as I can working on an on-going Kepler research project. (Analysis of 
Orbital Mechanics.) Involves a lot of computer graphics and learning Calculus 
terminology. Easier said than done. Lately I've noticed that a spate of Honey 
Do projects seem to end up getting higher priority on my to-do list. ...perhaps 
I'm rebelling against all that calculus I 'm trying to cram down my throat... 
er, head.



Steven Vincent Johnson


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