On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It will be supported by all the Exxon, GM, etc. also. However, in
>> Bangladesh or Zimbabwe the situation is different. The market can be
>> established over night.
> Nonsense. These countries are not capable of manufacturing anything like
> this. First world countries that can manufacture things like this such as
> the US, Europe, Japan or China, will go through the proper steps to ensure
> safety. The Chinese now do this as much as any other country. I hope that
> people in Bangladesh will be able to buy these things after advanced
> countries begin manufacturing them.

​I did not mentioned where they were manufactured or by whom. I pointed out
a market less concerned about regulations than the US for example.

I said:

> It is an organization and by definition organizations cannot achieve
> results.

​Then you say: (after being infuriated)

So, IBM never made a computer? UPS never delivered a parcel?

I am glad you got it. IBM and UPS and the government can not do anything.
If you meet one of them (not a proponent like you yourself) then you have
met ghosts or ???

You say that people I mentioned constitutes the government. I say they
represent the government for specific reasons at specific times under
specific conditions. They are all people and they all have skills. As you
point out; combined with other people creating funding, leadership, plans,
communications etec. they will produce something valuable under certain
conditions. My concern is that we have eliminated all other ways to
organize therefore we just have to live with what this organization (The
government) can/want/politically are allowed to produce and with the
efficiency they deem as standard or good or ??? You cannot complain about
that LENR does not get funding if you do not see that. LENR is not
politically allowed. We have created a society where most resources are
handled by THE GOVERNMENT.

I do not know Al Gore, but he never struck me as the creator of the
internet in any of the crucial skills required except for maybe making the
'product' politically allowed. That means he was instrumental because of a
skill only required because of his skills (to eliminate other products). I
am glad he did. Maybe he will help LENR as well, to be politically allowed?
Then he can be inducted to LENR hall of fame!:)

I think your next paragraph tells the difference between our thinking (I do
believe that we want similar outcome and just disagree about the method.)

> Just let us think about who feeds the government to be able to fund this?

We do! The taxpayers.  My intention as the obvious answer. That is why
ultimately we should get the credit for the Internet.  No. Not at all. And
also for winning World War II. We get the credit because we paid for it,
and because we are smart enough to elect people such as Al Gore, and they
are smart enough to fund improvements to technology such as the Internet.
As Churchill said 'democracy is a lousy format just all the other we know
of are worse' (not verbatim). No the guys, which participated won that war.
There is no connection between anyone's vote and the outcome of the war or
anything else. Most of the development has been due to the market demands
and war is never won in my opinion - they are lost however. So, the
question is if we want all resources to take the same route or not I say
that we should have as many routes as possible and as much separated as

If we elect anti-science nitwits who despise science, progress will come to
a halt.  That is true. Than add that most voters put no enthusiasm into the
process, and that geographical division makes votes worth different, and
that most voters are ill informed, and that those better informed only have
two answers A or B (D or R if you prefer) to a myriad of issues. If you
think that is good  . . . . Or at least, the U.S. will be left behind by
our economic rivals.  I could not have said that better.

Then you make a conclusion I have a hard time see any logics in:

I agree with Bill Gates (he is a good judge of this or a bad?) in his
recent statement that the government does fundamental research better than
any other organization,  we are eliminating all other parties so who is
better or for that matter worse (totally illogical) and we need more of
that.(MORE POOR LOGIC. No one claims the government is perfect, but when it
comes to research, it is ahead of whoever is in 2nd place. (There is no
second or third - the government has occupied almost all the resources we
have.)If it were not for government cold fusion would never have been
discovered and even if it had been it would have been forgotten 25 years
ago. Jed , help me - the government did not do anything. Fleishman and
others but not the government.

Regarding the outcome of WWll and me becoming a slave to the Germans I
think you are poorly understanding the European situation. Germany has been
a strong nation and still is in Europe. If the Nazis had won that would
have had severe consequences for Europe for decades to come. However, just
like after Napoleon a century earlier it would have gone back to 'normal'
with certain changes. (As a curiosa Sweden got a french family as reign
because of Napoleon and his victories and they are still the king but not
much of Napoleon is left except for a big influence on the language.)
Grateful as we are for the US support in WWll I think the long term result
is less than you think. I would say that there were a whole long line of
reasons why the US supported us and another set of conditions that made the
victory (read the loss for Germany)  possible. Nevertheless being born at
that time I am glad for that support. Just the US government did not do
anything - people did.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros

+1 916 436 1899

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and
enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass. (PJM)

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