Let me point out something else about this report.

The author ascribes the change from the COP of 75% to 100% to instrument
inaccuracy. Yet it is not only the instruments which detect this effect.
The observer can see and hear that something is happening.

When this anomalous heat effect turns on, the sound of the pump changes.
The load is reduced. The operator usually turns down the power to the
electric motor. In this report average power fell from 8.4 to 8.16 kW.
Output remains stable or increases. The point is, these effects are readily
observable. The effect continues indefinitely, for about half hour in most
tests when output is measured with a barrel of water, or for much longer
when output is measured with flow calorimetry.

When you yourself can see and hear a phenomenon, it makes no sense to claim
it is an instrument artifact.

Also, the author's claim that these instruments are not capable of
measuring a COP over 100% makes no sense.

- Jed

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