On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 3:29 PM, Stefan Israelsson Tampe <
stefan.ita...@gmail.com> wrote:

If you think that Mills is an empty bag of promises then why don't you
> challenge some of his academic work, like the experiments leading to EUV
> spectra. Non have step up and claimed that those results are wrong or have
> a credible natural explanation (axil publish a paper if you want acceptance
> here).

A lack of (published) refutation does not mean a conjecture is correct, and
says very little about the conjecture.  I personally do not take a position
on whether BLP are seeing excess power; I'm optimistic that they might be.

About the EUV spectrum (and soft x-ray spectrum) -- this kind of spectrum
might also be generated by the stopping of hot beta electrons, which will
be a more plausible hypothesis to some than Hydrinos.


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