Rossi is complaining about a 'failure to thrive' condition such as losing
weight without reason. We might consider that a primary symptom of chronic
radiation exposure is unexplained weight loss.

Andrea Rossi
March 3, 2016 at 9:07 PM
Jed Orwell:
I continue to lose weight and we do not understand why. I am going to make
a lot of “scopies” you name one, I scope it, but I feel well and work my 12
hours per day on my E-Cats; today another important loophole with the E-Cat
Anyway: yes, I am ready to pass to my Team all the skills necessary to make
without me, just in case. But I never in my life worked as well as I am
doing during these days. Obviously, the faster we go, the better. Until the
horse is good, better ride him.
Warm Regards,

LENR could be producing a form of stealth radiation; radiation that damages
structure and tissue but does not produce a reading on a radiation meter.

John Fisher has detected 1.5 MeV alpha particles radiating from a central
point of causation. Yet a gamma is not detected that should be there when
that alpha particle hits the CR-39.

It is well known in many LENR experiments that helium is detected without
the generation of gamma radiation. This implies that alpha particles are
produced without the generation of the gammas that usually accompany the

How could this be possible, that alpha radiation can exist without the
detection of gamma radiation? It could be that a general state of multi
particle entanglement between the alpha particles and their center of
causation... let us call that cause an exotic neutral particle (ENP)...
transfers all gamma radiation through a quantum mechanical pathway to the

However, the damage that the alpha particle produces through kinetic impact
still occurs. Also, there is evidence that the ENP and float in the air. If
this is in fact true, this particle can be taken into the body where it can
catalyze nuclear reactions in tissue... and here too the gamma radiation is

This possibility entered my mind when Mark LeClair claimed that he and his
research partner were sickened and entered the hospital after a experiment
with a cavitation based LENR system. Could LeClair have taken into his body
a large number of these ENPs.

It is important to understand how ENPs work if they exist to protect the
thousands of replicators that will be getting into the science of LENR.

Like Marie Curie, Rossi might have sacrificed his health to the unknown
dangers that one must face in the LENR science.

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