How do we know that what is coming out of the Rossi XCat are electrons and
not muons?

On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 3:04 PM, John Berry <> wrote:

> Mats, are Muons hard to detect?  Or just hard to distinguish from
> electrons?
> On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 10:59 PM, Mats Lewan <> wrote:
>> Yes Axil,
>> I spoke to Holmlid, and one thing that he underlined was possible large
>> amounts of muons from the reaction, and that muons were hard to detect. He
>> said that that he suspected that also LENR reactions could have this
>> effect, without LENR experimenters knowing it.
>> Mats
>> 4 mars 2016 kl. 18:32 skrev Axil Axil <>:
>> I don't understand yet what is happening in the Holmlid experiments.
>> There are shiploads of subatomic particles produced in the Holmlid reactor
>> and Holmlid says that hot fusion is happening (which I doubt) and yet there
>> is no gamma radiation coming out of all that chaos. Would the powers that
>> be at CERN let their personal walk around the ATLAS detector when it was in
>> operation producing Kaons. I don't think so.  Does muons catalyze fusion
>> inside the body if muons are injected?  What happens to decaying Kaons
>> inside the lungs. Should LENR experiments be done inside a Hot Cell just in
>> case?
>> On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 11:55 AM, Russ George <>
>> wrote:
>>> If speaking of conventional known radiations this comment about dose and
>>> detection is true however in ‘cold fusion’ clearly the unknown is afoot.
>>> One of those unknowns is what is it that can be there but not, or poorly,
>>> be seen. For example what might be seen as a nominal presence near
>>> background that can suddenly be made ‘visible’ to detectors where millirem
>>> signals turn into kilorem! (micro-Sieverts to Sieverts if you prefer)
>>> Fortunately the human body is more akin to our normal detectors than our
>>> enhanced cold fusion mischegunon detectors so the harming dose equivalent
>>> of those massive cold fusion radiations remains for us in health physics
>>> terms as low doses. Still the better cold fusion cooks are sure to see the
>>> most exposure and the nature of this new and still very poorly observed to
>>> say nothing of described radiations is far from clear. More than a few cold
>>> fusion scientists have succumbed already. As is said in ancient texts ‘one
>>> does not catch the unknown in a net of the known.’
>>> *From:* [] *On
>>> Behalf Of *Alain Sepeda
>>> *Sent:* Friday, March 4, 2016 12:13 AM
>>> *To:* Vortex List
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Is Rossi sick?
>>> the dose, and the speed of dose to make someone sick is huge and canbe
>>> detected.
>>> This is what people name "deterministic effect" in radioprotection.
>>> This is above 700mSv as fast dose
>>> there is also undeterministic effect, typically cancer, whose severity
>>> is independent of the dose, but which are trigger for adult above
>>> 100-200mSv as fast dose.
>>> modern biology taught that a cell can endure a given number of genetic
>>> destruction without any short or long term problem.
>>> above a given rate, there is undeterministic effect (risk of caner of
>>> any gravity)
>>> and then above a high rate deterministic effect from sickness to death.
>>> there is much unfounded fear, especially for fulbody scan , foetal
>>> irradiation, positron imaging...
>>> the threshold today are well known, and the linear dose no treshold
>>> scarmongering is definitively dead, escept in the media...
>>> this article in french is a good reference
>>> translated:
>>> for those doubting on it, it refers to element of biology that I've seen
>>> few decade ago described for cancer inception , linked to HSP (heat shock
>>> protein, which as said in the article don't work only for radiation but for
>>> any aggression, mostly oxidative stress caused by respiration, the worst
>>> aggression for DNA)
>>> there is a video in french which is very clear and interesting fro some
>>> details not written
>>> for example there is reference to the number of damage that a cell can
>>> endure without problem, and above whoch there is non deterministic risks.
>>> reference also to many myth propagated by scaremongers.
>>> I don't expect to convince as the propaganda is too strong to be opposed
>>> by data.
>>> A phenomenon we observe in LENR domain.
>>> 2016-03-04 6:57 GMT+01:00 Axil Axil <>:
>>> Rossi is complaining about a 'failure to thrive' condition such as
>>> losing weight without reason. We might consider that a primary symptom of
>>> chronic radiation exposure is unexplained weight loss.
>>> Andrea Rossi
>>> March 3, 2016 at 9:07 PM
>>> Jed Orwell:
>>> I continue to lose weight and we do not understand why. I am going to
>>> make a lot of “scopies” you name one, I scope it, but I feel well and work
>>> my 12 hours per day on my E-Cats; today another important loophole with the
>>> E-Cat X.
>>> Anyway: yes, I am ready to pass to my Team all the skills necessary to
>>> make without me, just in case. But I never in my life worked as well as I
>>> am doing during these days. Obviously, the faster we go, the better. Until
>>> the horse is good, better ride him.
>>> F9.
>>> Warm Regards,
>>> A.R.
>>> LENR could be producing a form of stealth radiation; radiation that
>>> damages structure and tissue but does not produce a reading on a radiation
>>> meter.
>>> John Fisher has detected 1.5 MeV alpha particles radiating from a
>>> central point of causation. Yet a gamma is not detected that should be
>>> there when that alpha particle hits the CR-39.
>>> It is well known in many LENR experiments that helium is detected
>>> without the generation of gamma radiation. This implies that alpha
>>> particles are produced without the generation of the gammas that usually
>>> accompany the alphas.
>>> How could this be possible, that alpha radiation can exist without the
>>> detection of gamma radiation? It could be that a general state of multi
>>> particle entanglement between the alpha particles and their center of
>>> causation... let us call that cause an exotic neutral particle (ENP)...
>>> transfers all gamma radiation through a quantum mechanical pathway to the
>>> ENP.
>>> However, the damage that the alpha particle produces through kinetic
>>> impact still occurs. Also, there is evidence that the ENP and float in the
>>> air. If this is in fact true, this particle can be taken into the body
>>> where it can catalyze nuclear reactions in tissue... and here too the gamma
>>> radiation is hidden.
>>> This possibility entered my mind when Mark LeClair claimed that he and
>>> his research partner were sickened and entered the hospital after a
>>> experiment with a cavitation based LENR system. Could LeClair have taken
>>> into his body a large number of these ENPs.
>>> It is important to understand how ENPs work if they exist to protect the
>>> thousands of replicators that will be getting into the science of LENR.
>>> Like Marie Curie, Rossi might have sacrificed his health to the unknown
>>> dangers that one must face in the LENR science.

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