Way back in the 1990-94 period I had a number of words with Douglas
Morrison of CERN, Frack Close (Too Hot to Handle), Richard (Dick) Blue (Oak
ridge).   You can find some of the old discussions in google groups; search
'sci.physics.fusion chuck sites morrison' for a nice heated exchange
between Morrison and I.   Of course Jed, and Michael Swartz also are there
in that period of time, and can be found the same way.    It's kind of fun.
I even see something called, "The Russ George Experiment" for 2000.

I have a request of fellow Vorts, that is will you please contribute your
recollections and references as to the attacks on cold fusion over the
years. I will organize this into a Who’s Who of the trolls in this field.
There is a case to be made that the world would have been spared an
incredible amount of grief and destruction if the dedicated attacks against
cold fusion had not been so successfully waged and still are.

Please just post a note, hopefully with a link to and specific reference
info, here in the Vortex. Think of it as a ‘crowd history’ research project!


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