
Jones. "This is the kind of Milquetoast response expected of your so-called proper English education... oops, another ad hominem and maybe that adjective is not
to your liking either ... but puerile is what this is all about - who
understands the situation and who is childishly ignorant of it. Your naivety to what is going-on can be forgiven as idealism or lesser excuses, but you want to pretend you are taking the high road interject support for the savior-figure, while in addition pretending that you have some grasp of the technical issues.
No, you do not."

AA. Ah, now English is my first language. I understand the situation well enough. I have headed engineering for a major corporation in Canada and two major corporations in the US, besides consulting for the World Bank and institutions like GRI and EPRI. What great things have you done that makes you think you are so superior?

Jones. "It is wrong to disparage idealism unless it strays into gullibility and promotes fraud, which it often does - and thus I am slightly offended that you, the idealist, wants to participate as an adversary here without grasping the reality that alternative-energy draws the scammers like flies to honey. We have
seen this over and over through the years. Defkalion was not even the most
recent and Rossi will not be the last. Make no mistake, he is a scammer but one
with some "value-added" shall we say."

AA. I don't think Rossi is a scammer and you have no PROOF he is. I prefer to wait for the facts before making accusations like you do.

Jones. "As to why I am largely dismissive of this fraudulent report, the misnamed ERV report - it is because the important details, which will come out in the next
few weeks, are known to me - but I do not care to elaborate to you at this
juncture - other than to say that Penon will be discredited and perhaps may
decide to leave the country under duress, shall we say. He does not want to
become a fall guy to another of Rossi's scams. You can take that at face value, or you can act indignant and pretend that Rossi is still the appointed savior and Beene is some kind of patho-skeptic who is strangely vindictive and wants
to act like a know-it-all."

AA. Ah, you have proof that is too secret for the plebs to know. Why didn't you say that to start with and keep this short?

I think the rest is irrelevant to my question.

The bottom line is that I will be here in the next weeks or months, trying to grasp whatever kernel of truth Rossi has based this latest scam on - while you will be long gone... seeking the next energy-messiah, most likely Sean at Orbo
or another equally ridiculous clown... oops, that sounds like another ad
hominem. Sorry about that, but when dealing with the upper classes, I guess we
have to make our allegiance perfectly clear.

My allegiance is to the technology of LENR and I see Rossi as the greatest
threat to that. His fall could implode everything, unless we are strong enough to demonstrate beforehand that we did see it coming and took precautions. At
the same time, it is acknowledged that yes - Rossi has probably discovered
something of incremental value - above the technology that he copied from
Mills, Piantelli and Thermacore. He could be either a great or a lucky inventor and probably he does have something important to society in an incremental way
- but it is unreliable, and far less valuable than he wants it to be.

In Rossi's case, greed is not good. Too bad, as he could have taken a little
more than the original $10 mill, but less than the $100+ and retired
comfortably to South Beach.

Instead, his attorneys will end up with most of IH's loot, and AR may have a
less accommodating address.

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