What would stop Rossi from handing 10M over to the judge in the upcoming
law case? The ERV is acting as a judge in this test. If I.H. does not like
the judges verdict, do they just walk away without paying the judgment.
What happened to law and order and fair play in florida this days? ERV =
judge by mutual agreement..

On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 11:40 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>

> Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The value and quality of the ERV report is subjective, But in any contest
>> where the referee is agreed upon beforehand.
> This is not a sporting event.
>> If the referee makes a call that one side does not agree with, that
>> aggrieved party cannot take their ball and go home no matter how
>> incompetent the referee is. You take the loss with good sportsmanship and
>> pay the 89M.
> You have no idea how business is conducted, or how contracts are disputed.
> If the "referee" in this case issues a judgement call which is physically
> impossible and which any credentialed expert agrees is nonsense, NO ONE
> WILL EVERY PAY $89 MILLION. Nothing like that ever happened in the history
> of business, and never would happen. That would be lunacy. Suppose Penon
> had claimed the thing produces 100 MW, or a gigawatt? Do you think they
> should pay up in that case? Suppose he said it produces more power than the
> sun? How impossible does the claim have to become before you concede that a
> business should not have to pay on the basis of a wild, absurd, untenable
> claim made by an idiot? What would stop Rossi from handing Penon $10
> million in a bribe?
> - Jed

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