Axil Axil <> wrote:

It seems to me that calorimetry is a weak subject to base a defence on.
> Nether the judge or any of the jury will have even heard the word let alone
> understand why the ERV messed it up. The layers for the defence will need a
> expert witness to educate the court on what is good and what is ill in LENR
> gain measurement. Since you are a sympathetic backer of IH, you may well
> get the call to teach and convince the court.

This is the most fatuous nonsense you have come up with yet. As I said, I
am not a professional HVAC engineer licensed in the state of Florida. There
is ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE anyone would call me to testify. You know nothing
about courts or legal proceedings if you think anyone would call me. No
judge would allow it.

No one needs to educate the court about calorimetry. The state of Florida
has laws and codes about boilers, including detailed procedures for
measuring boiler efficiency. Every boiler has to inspected periodically.
These inspections include a measure of efficiency. See:

A licensed HVAC engineer has to perform the inspection, following a
strictly defined set of procedures. Any HVAC engineer licensed to work with
large boilers would be qualified to measure the performance of the Rossi
device, or to evaluate the data.

I am confident that any HVAC engineer who tests the reactor or examines the
data will conclude that there is no excess heat. It took me about 30
seconds to reach that conclusion. It is obvious.

Testimony from a licensed professional in court is always admissible, by
definition. Testimony about technical disputes by amateurs such as me is
never admissible. I do not know much about legal procedures but I know
that. I doubt you will find a licensed HVAC engineer willing to testify the
Rossi gadget works, because the others will all point out this is
preposterous, and that person will lose his license and his livelihood for
perjury or incompetence.

Needless to say, Penon is not an HVAC engineer licensed in Florida.
Whatever magic fantasy he or Rossi came up with to convert a COP of <1 into
50 will not be admissible in court, except perhaps as evidence of fraud.

- Jed

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