We will see soon enough. I'm hoping that the QuarkX test will give positive results. If that happens it will alter the game. I gather that you are on Jed's side that the E-Cat doesn't work. I don't consider that proven.

On 6/4/2016 2:12 PM, Eric Walker wrote:
On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 12:58 PM, a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net <mailto:a.ashfi...@verizon.net>> wrote:

    As I said, this is lawyer fodder.  The Chief Justice once said
    "The law is an ass" so anything might happen.

Perhaps. But the larger point is that Rossi is not acting upon a realistic assessment of what lies within the realm of possibility. Perhaps he sees himself as David to IH's Goliath. At least David was a capable fighter. Rossi has chosen an inexperienced lawyer to do his fighting. IH have sensibly hired a decent law firm. I have few doubts as to which team will come out on top. The questions that will be considered will be mind-numbingly banal ones, but ones that have legal significance. Rossi deliberately chose this battle.

Rossi is obstinately proceeding forward within his own reality distortion field, either oblivious to the difficulties he has brought upon himself and that he is about to bring upon himself, or out of some kind of self-destructive impulse. One might wonder, despite hints from people with access to additional information that there is evidence of deliberate fraud, whether beneath all of this distraction Rossi actually has a working technology. If he has approached technical questions with the same lack of attention to detail that he has legal questions, the outlook is not promising. I do not see how people can attach themselves with such vigor to the notion that Rossi is in the right here and IH are in the wrong. People are not being objective.


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