Eric. If he has something, let him show that he does through rigorous testing.

AA. Why the hell should he? He doesn't owe you anything and it is not in his interest to do prove it to academia. I rather doubt that would be possible anyway, as they think LENR is impossible. Think Clarke's Law. Any evidence of anomalous heat is measurement error.

Eric he seems to think that he is entitled to millions of dollars of other people's money without doing the footwork necessary to merit that kind of investment.

AA. He has to do enough to persuade his backers and he has clearly done that. He has avoided the fraudsters route of taking money from a gullible public although he obviously had the ability to that if he had wanted to.

Like Jed, you conclude he is guilty until proven innocent.

On 6/4/2016 3:22 PM, Eric Walker wrote:
My conclusion is that Rossi's behavior has been abominable, and that he shouldn't be given a free pass. If he has something, let him show that he does through rigorous testing. He seems to want to take shortcuts and to undermine any tests that are carried out, in private or in public. And he seems to think that he is entitled to millions of dollars of other people's money without doing the footwork necessary to merit that kind of investment. On this latter question the courts will decide, thankfully.

Rossi has no obligation to substantiate his public claims to us in the audience. But neither do we have an obligation to apply anything other than a scientific standard to what he has claimed. And in that court he has repeatedly fallen short.


On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 2:14 PM, a.ashfield < <>> wrote:

    We will see soon enough.  I'm hoping that the QuarkX test will
    give positive results.  If that happens it will alter the game.  I
    gather that you are on Jed's side that the E-Cat doesn't work.  I
    don't consider that proven.

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