You are ignoring what I said.
I wasn't talking about Rossi stopping IH from visiting the customer's premises, but whether he could stop IH from insisting on proper instrumentation through the ERV before the test even started. You keep on about IH's expertise: why did they agree to what was done?

What he owed to IH was what an ERV provided. It is too late after the show to start complaining. If in doubt why not restart the plant for a few days with better instrumentation? Meanwhile I go with the independent ERV's report until proven otherwise.

On 6/4/2016 4:14 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
a.ashfield < <>> wrote:

    Eric.  If he has something, let him show that he does through
    rigorous testing.

    AA.  Why the hell should he?  He doesn't owe you anything and it
    is not in his interest to do prove it to academia.

He owed it to I.H. It was his contract obligation. He failed to do rigorous testing.

- Jed

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