the mentality of Chinese people is very capitalist at local level, and also
more family than individual oriented.
However at the political level they seems more imperial, and abroad they
tolerate the local authorities, even local criminality as long as it is not
impairing business...
It is a mix we have problem to understand in the West.
In a way I see a similar misunderstanding between French culture
considering US way. It is hard to see in france that US solidarity is more
group/community driven than state driven, even if things are changing (and
many disagree, in both countries).

The "policy mix" of a culture is surprising for another culture.
In China "capitalism" is more popular in poling than in france and even in

french are more negative than people of irak about their future...

Note that China may not be globally capitalist, more Mercantilist or
Colbertist as we say in france (Crony too)... Not so different from US-way
in foreign trade, with huge state implication in business to protect
installed players.
However both US and China (more China) unlike France, have a very strong
local free capitalism with huge competition.

2016-12-08 22:26 GMT+01:00 Chris Zell <>:

> China is the nation to watch as to Communism. I understand that it sees
> capitalist methods as useful on a path to Communism and has never given up
> on this idea.   If they can hold back corruption, they may continue with
> the Party being dominant over all corporate forces (unlike the US in which
> it is the other way around).
> Communism is mostly about developing and maintaining enough resources to
> be easily shared.  If abundance can be created technologically, there could
> be a withering away of the state. Think about what free energy, future 3-D
> printing and digital currencies could accomplish. We already have an
> enormous resource of free information at our fingertips – that frustrates
> centralized media and governance. Who knows what follows next?

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