Where?  Does the superconductivity increase even if there is no excess heat?

On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 3:19 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is research that shows superconductivity that increases in
> proportion to hydrogen loading in LENR systems.
> On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 6:05 PM, CB Sites <cbsit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Bob,  you got me to thinking how to measure any changes in spin
>> coupling or the how to detect a BEC in solid and so I began to wonder if
>> measuring magnetic susceptibility in PdH and PdD would show anything.  I
>> found an interesting old paper by H C Jamieson and F D Manchester "The
>> magnetic susceptibility of Pd, PdH and PdD between 4 and 300 K" 1972 J.
>> Phys. F: Met. Phys. 2 323 http://iopscience.iop.org/0305-4608/2/2/023.
>> This was from back in the 70s so take it as you may.   What I found
>> interesting is in the beta phase of Pd (H) was tending to be diamagnetic
>> (repels) and nearly independent of temperature.  That would seem to
>> indicate that the H are becoming spin aligned and could hint at the
>> formation of a BEC system.  I also see a trend that D is also heading
>> towards diamagenetic (negative susceptibility) with increasing  D loading.
>> So does someone have a newer paper on the subject?
>> On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 1:37 PM, bobcook39...@hotmail.com <
>> bobcook39...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> CD Sites—
>>> I have for some time been of the mind that nuclear potential energy tied
>>> up in a lattice of coherent (entangled) particles is transfered to the
>>> lattice electrons in the form of spin orbital momentum—phonic energy during
>>> LENR.
>>> In the Pd system with D at high loading a small BEC of D nuclei  could
>>> form and then fuse to He g iven the correct  conditions involving EM
>>> coupling to link neutron and proton magnetic moments with magnetic moments
>>> of the Pd lattice electrons.  In this regard I consider it takes a
>>> relatively strong local B field to accomplish the necessary coupling with
>>> the neutron and proton making up a D nucleus.
>>> The BEC status of D’s within the lattice would allow their close
>>> approach during a reaction forming a He nucleus.  The potential energy
>>> released would not result in energetic particles or EM radiation, but only
>>> phonic (spin) energy spread across the entire lattice.
>>> With proper resonant coupling and many BEC within a single lattice a
>>> larger, more energetic, reaction occurs releasing enough phonic energy to
>>> destroy the lattice or to create a bosenova.
>>> The reactions suggested above seem to fit observations from Pd system
>>> LENR testing IMHO.
>>> Bob Cook.
>>> *From: *CB Sites <cbsit...@gmail.com>
>>> *Sent: *Tuesday, June 13, 2017 3:49 PM
>>> *To: *vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
>>> *Subject: *Re: [Vo]:Bose Einstein Condensate formed at Room Temperature
>>> I'm kind of late on this, but would spin conservation do what Ed Storm
>>> asked?
>>> "However, why would only a few hydrons fuse leaving just enough
>>> unreacted hydrons available to carry all the energy without it producing
>>> energetic radiation? I would expect occasionally,many hydrons would fuse
>>> leaving too few unreacted hydrons so that the dissipated energy
>>> would have to be very energetic and easily detected."
>>>   If I remember, Steve and Talbot Chubbs had proposed that bose band
>>> states could distribute the energy over many nucleons
>>> in the band state.  In a 1D kronig-penny model of a periodic potential,
>>> H and D form bands and their band energy levels are separated by a
>>> 0.2eV, which means when 20MeV is spread across the band, the spectrum
>>> would be 20MeV / (n * 0.2eV) where n are the number of hyrons
>>> making up the band.  That's just back of the envelope using a 2D
>>> kronig-penny period potential.  And all of that photon energy spread over
>>> n-hydrons gets dumped right back into the lattice.  Similar in a sense
>>> to the Mossbauer effect.
>>> On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 6:50 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/2017/jun/12/superfl
>>> uid-polaritons-seen-at-room-temperature
>>> Superfluid polaritons seen at room temperature
>>> the polaritons behave like a fluid that can flow without friction around
>>> obstacles, which were formed by using a laser to burn small holes in the
>>> organic material. This is interpreted by the researchers as being a
>>> signature of the superfluid behaviour.
>>> there might be some sort of link between a superfluid and a
>>> Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) – the latter being a state of matter in
>>> which all constituent particles have condensed into a single quantum state.
>>> He was proved right in 1995 when superfluidity was observed in BECs made
>>> from ultracold atoms
>>> On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> A Bose condinsate brings super radiance and super absorption into play.
>>> These mechanisms produce concentration, storage,  and amplification of low
>>> level energy and goes as "N", the number of items in the condinsate.
>>> On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 9:46 AM, Frank Znidarsic <fznidar...@aol.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Why is a Bose Condensate needed?  Its a matter of size and energy.  The
>>> smaller the size of something we want to see the more energy it takes.
>>> Using low energy radar you will never be able to read something as small as
>>> this text.  You need to go to UV energies to study atoms.  Higher ionizing
>>> energies are needed to study the nuclear forces.  Really high energy
>>> accelerator energies are required to look at subatomic particles.
>>> The common complaint physicists have with cold fusion is that the energy
>>> levels are to low to induce any type of nuclear reaction.  They never,
>>> however, considered the energy levels of a large hundreds of atoms wide
>>> condensed nano-particle.  Its energy levels are quite low.  Warm thermal
>>> vibrations appear to the nano particle as a high energy excitation.  This
>>> again is a matter of its size.  It's not cracks, or shrunken atoms at
>>> work.  It is the thermal excitation of a nano particle that yields the
>>> required energy.
>>> Again the simulation induces a velocity of one million meters per second.
>>> Frank Z

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