On 7/10/17, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Unless you took part in the lawyers' negotiations, you do not know that is
> the reason.
***You don't have to be involved at that level.   If the report was a
slam dunk either way it would have compelled the outcome of the case.
 It wasn't a slam dunk for Rossi enough for him to move forward to get
$89M and it wasn't a slam dunk enough for IH to keep in there.

  However, I am sure the Penon report
> is not "credible" in this universe according to our laws of physics. It was
> a gross violation of thermodynamics, as Smith pointed out. Also because
> Florida is not located in a vacuum in outer space. I am pretty sure of
> that.
***If it was that much of a slamdunk, then IH would have ridden it all
the way to the goal line.   They didn't.

> Perhaps the people at I.H. worried that a jury might be as gullible as you
> are, and the jury might think the Florida could be in a vacuum, because
> what do those scientists know, anyway?
***Apparently those scientists are as arrogant as you are but they
don't meet your 3rd grade qualification.

They are a bunch of elitist
> know-it-alls with their "laws" of "physics." They are so sure of
> themselves, they think that when you take photo of a 15,000 pound machine
> with pipes running to the ceiling, the image has to show up in the camera!
***Again, it should have been a slam dunk to hear you tell it.   But
it was NOT a slam dunk.

> Why can't it be invisible??? Huh? You tell me! And it was equipped with an
> anti-gravity machine which is why the mezzanine didn't collapse. You didn't
> think of THAT, did you, Mr. Elite Scientist.
***You make it sound so simple.   So much of a slam dunk.   If it were
that simple, that much of a slam dunk, IH wouldn't have settled.
There is a huge duhh factor here that any third grader can see.

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